The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 64

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 7—Tying Up Loose Ends
(Pt. 5...Continued)

"Dangit, where the hack ARE they? Chief Bogo would have had back-up here 30 minutes ago!"

Judy began to thump her foot and for once Nick didn't tell her to cool it; he felt almost exactly the same way. While his partner was certainly exaggerating, (she had called for assistance exactly 35 minutes ago,) there was no denying that she was essentially correct. Maybe Precinct One wouldn't have had more officers here within 5...but they certainly would have had them here by now.

In the meantime, there had been no sign of activity from the property next door; the place was as dead as the proverbial doornail. Just the same, Judy Hopps had not the slightest doubt in her mind. Craig Guilford and his girlfriend Amanda were still holed up in that bunker on the other side of the hedge.

And yet...and yet...

Why were they still in there? Why had they not come out yet? According to Nick Wilde's calculations—with which she agreed wholeheartedly—the young coyote and vixen should have run out of provisions hours ago. Why hadn't they left on a supply run, at least? What were they waiting for?

She sipped at the coffee Mary Pye had brought (much better than the brew from the store up the road,) and furrowed her brow, as if trying to make the local cops move faster through sheer force of will. Okay, yes...Meadowland was the most sprawling of all the Zootopia ecosystems, and yes, it had even fewer roads per square mile than Sahara Square. But dangit, so did Bunnyburrow, and the Burrow County Sheriff's Office would have back-up here by now, too.

"Okay, the heck with this," Judy told herself, setting her cup down firmly on the table and trying to come to a decision. She'd get nowhere fast by just sitting here and fuming. For a moment, she considered calling Precinct One and seeing if Chief Bogo could 'persuade' the Meadowlands officers to get a move on. That idea was good for about three seconds before she dropped it. Even if it worked, there'd be a price to pay later on. Nobody enjoys having a co-worker go over their head and police officers like it less than most.

And anyway what was the point? The only way in or out of that guest bunker was either A, by setting off the hangar alarm or B, by way of the front door—and she and her partner could keep that covered without even leaving the Pye's kitchen; the wind outside had kicked up to a stiff breeze in the last half hour. If either of the two young fugitives so much as opened the door to their hidey-hole a crack, Nick's nose would alert him in an instant.

No, galling as it was, their best course of action right now was just to sit tight and wait for reinforcements, Even if Craig and Amanda did try to make a run for it, Judy was certain that she and Nick could keep them boxed in until the cavalry showed up.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now