The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 49

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 5 -Aftershocks
(Continued...Pt. 3)

"There they are."

Finnick pointed through the windshield and Nick Wilde squinted through a pair of narrowed eyes. Yep...there they were, Judy Hopps, with Conor Lewis leading the way. As soon as she spotted the van she waved-but cautiously; she understood that her partner was trying not to draw attention.

Surprisingly enough, Conor's insistence on keeping his name out of everything had yielded a dividend; he could come and go as he pleased without being pestered by the press-and so Nick had press-ganged...err, recruited the young silver fox to serve as their messenger and go-between.

Nick knew he'd have to talk to the media eventually, but not yet, not at least until after he saw Judy.

Yeah, riiight...while it certainly made good sense to see her before doing anything else, deep down the red fox knew that he was stalling. Like every other member of his species, he'd always been chary of reporters, and since joining the ZPD, his natural-born caution had spiked by a factor of 3. (In this, he was hardly alone. As crime writer Joseph Wombat once noted, "Cops in general trust the press about as much as they trust politicians, judges, lawyers, psychiatrists and the Red Army.")

It was for this reason that Nick had made Finnick park his van around the corner from Courthouse Square and sent Conor to go and fetch his partner. (Although Erin might have seemed the more obvious choice, Judy would almost certainly have some questions for her sister, and Nick wanted to postpone the exchange until after they were inside the vehicle together.)

Sure enough, when the van's right-side cargo door slithered open, Judy took one look inside and then her ears shot skyward and her nose began twitching like a seismograph. "Erin, where have you been? You missed Jack La Peigne, he wanted to meet you before he left."

This prompted nervous glances in Conor's direction from both Finnick and Nick.

The bickering that had erupted back at the produce stand had petered out quickly once they were on the road. Why argue about Jack La Peigne when the big bunny was long gone? Out of sight, out of mind, as the old chestnut went; by the time the courthouse clock-tower finally hove into view, the atmosphere inside Finnick's had become almost convivial.

Now here was Judy, bringing up the big rabbit's name once more and threatening to start the squabbling all over again.

It didn't happen; Conor's face remained as impassive as a stone sphinx, and for once the hormone fairy seemed to be cutting Erin a little slack.

"Awwww, I'm sorry sis," the younger bunny told her, looking properly contrite, "If I'd known Jack wanted to meet me I would have waited, but I wanted to show Conor around the Burrow a little before he left. There's more to this place than just the Carrot Days Festival y'know."

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now