The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 112

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 13 –Facts are Stubborn Things
(Concluded...Part 7)

Conclusion of the Fire Triangle, Part One

Nick and Judy were not fooled.

Their last day together began like any regular morning—and it lulled neither one of them into a false sense of security; by now, they knew better.

To be fair, the day did make its best effort to hustle them. When Judy checked her phone, she found exactly zero messages waiting, and when Nick booted up his laptop...well yes, there were a few new emails, but nearly all of them were SPAM, and none of them contained the dreaded bywords, 'Pred and Prey—Keep Away!'

(True, the fox and bunny had changed their phone numbers and email addys, but still...)

Everything about that morning felt just a little too ordinary; even the weather seemed to be conspiring to deceive them—pleasantly balmy with only a few horsetail clouds tracing across the sky.

Within the first few minutes of browsing the web, Nick discovered that his caution was well warranted, at least where the weather was concerned. It might be sunny now but according to The Weather Camel webpage, some serious thunderstorms were slated to move into the greater Zootopia metro area, sometime later that day.

Like many foxes, Nick Wilde was a bit of a superstitious beast and he took that forecast as an omen.

That, in fact, was a character trait he shared with his partner, although in Judy's case, it stemmed more from her background than her species. As the red fox himself had once correctly pointed out, there's hardly a more capricious occupation than farming; a bountiful harvest one year and a devastating crop failure the next—with no logical explanation for either occurrence. In that light, it was hardly surprising that the doe-bunny had a least passing belief in signs and portents.

For her, the morning held no outward heralds of trouble, only a vague foreboding that was actually rooted in fact, rather than fancy. Last night had been the evening she'd been dreading all week; the night Rock Hardesty's cable program had aired, when he was supposed to have broadcast the skytram video of her and Nick.

Judy hadn't been able to bring herself to watch it, (neither had her partner,) but she knew that it must have shown. Hardesty had been dropping hints about 'something juicy' for the past three days now; no way would that hyrax make such a scintillating tease and then not deliver on it.

Still...she had to know for certain—and she wanted to know right now—but who could she ask? Not Nick...obviously, but who else? Erin? Nope, not this early; if she rang her sister now, the chances were better than even that the call would arrive in the presence of their parents. All right, who did that leave? Wait...of course, why hadn't she thought of him in the first place?

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now