The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 85

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 9 –Fire And Mirrors
(Continued...Pt. 12)

Vern Rodenberg felt his whiskers quivering; guy-wires in a thunderstorm. Uh-Ohhhh...His Honor was in a bad mood this morning; he usually ASKED his bailiff to 'please call the first case.'

Only...was Schatten's foul temper necessarily such a bad thing on this particular morning? wasn't, the grey rat decided. In fact, if he played his cards right, it might turn out to be just what the doctor ordered.

The Bison performing the bailiff duties was meanwhile adjusting his glasses and consulting a clipboard; he too had caught the absence of warmth in His Honor's instructions; (so had Rudy Gamsbart, who scowled deeply.)

Raising the clipboard an inch or two higher, he sonorously intoned, "The Mammals of Zootopia versus the Mammal Known as Conor Severus Lewis. This is an arraignment hearing..." A minute or two of legal boilerplate followed, after which Conor was escorted to the defendant's table by the wolf that had brought him here. Judge Schatten gave him a moment to get seated, and then leaned forward with an apparently benign expression on his face.

"Mr. Lewis, are you represented by counsel here today?"

The answer came from the young fox's shoulder.

"Yes Your Honor, I'll be representing Mr. Lewis this morning, Vernon J. Rodenberg, attorney at law." He tapped Conor lightly on the neck, and the young fox reached up and set him down on the table.

"Ahhh, Mr. Rodenberg," Judge Schatten's expression was almost pleasant—which made the grey rat doubly apprehensive. "Juvenile Court, eh? Isn't that a bit out of the ordinary for you?"

"I go where I feel I'm needed, Your Honor," the diminutive attorney answered, wondering what in the name of Dear Jurisprudence had gotten into His Honor today? He never engaged in this kind of banter with defense counsel.

On the other side of the courtroom, Rudy Gamsbart's right eyebrow was arcing upwards; he was beginning to wonder the same thing.

"Bailiff, would you please read the charges?" Judge Schatten had at last reverted to his normal mode of speaking. Judy relaxed and so did Nick, (but to a much lesser degree than her.) Vern Rodenberg and Rudy Gamsbart did not; they had seen His Honor deploy this smokescreen all too many times before.

But why was he doing this?

The court fell silent as the bison adjusted his spectacles and began to read aloud.

Conor was charged with one count of attempting to evade, one count of illegally entering a fire zone, one count of disorderly conduct, one count of resisting arrest, and finally the big Kahuna, Felonious Assault of a Peace Officer. Except for the final charge, all of these complaints were superfluous, bargaining chips to be put in play in the event the young silver fox decided to ask for a plea-deal, (as IF!)

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