The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 7

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 2 - Taking The Bull By The Horns
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Benjamin Clawhauser was gushing again.

"Oooo, could you really?"

"No problem, Benjamin," Judy Hopps was telling him, "Chief Bogo gave Nick and me three days off until Monday, so I'm heading home to the Burrows for Carrot Days. Give me your size and I'll make sure you get one of those shirts."

They'd had plenty of time to get to the press-conference, and so the bunny had made a small detour on the way, stopping off at the reception desk to give Benjamin the news

"Don't forget the color," Nick Wilde reminded them both. He was leaning against the counter with an eyebrows raised, looking in Judy's direction. She was heading back to Bunnyburrows for the weekend? While that information was hardly a bombshell, it was news to him nonetheless. Sure, that's where her family was, and yes there was that Carrot-top festival, but other than that-why would anyone want to spend three days in a town where a big night was when the pop machine was working?

"Oh yeah, right." Clawhauser answered, fox an appreciative nod. "Red if they have any, otherwise black is fine. And I take a large-mammal tee in size TXL."

Judy's nose began to twitch.


The cheetah fidgeted with his fingers for a second and looked away.

"Uh...yeah, size Tentmaker, Extra Large."

Nick chewed on his lip to keep from laughing; Judy wouldn't speak to him for the rest of the day if he did. But when she answered the cheetah, it was obvious she was having at least as much trouble holding it in as he was; every second or third word she spoke was punctuated by a little spurt of air.

" red...fsh...or black if...pss...they don't have red...gsst. Size XLT...kss-ssst."

"Ohhh, thank you SO much." Clawhauser answered, apparently unaware of her struggle, and then he leaned over the counter, lowering his voice.

"Hey, I bet you're wondering why the Chief took fursonal command of that diamond sting."

'We were, kind of," Nick answered him off-pawedly. In fact, just about every cop in the precinct had been offering theories about it all week. While Chief Bogo was known as a hooves-on kind of leader-a mammal who would never assign a task he wasn't willing to take on himself-actually running a street-level sting was a 'first-time-in-a-long-time' for that Cape buffalo.

Clawhauser looked left and right and then lowered his voice even further.

"Well, I can't tell you where I heard this, but his family-his extended family-comes from the same part of Afurica as most of those blood diamonds."

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now