The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 55

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 6-Nick's Story
(Continued...Pt. 5)

Judy Hopps's ears were reaching straight up, towards the ceiling; her nose was twitching like a divining rod and her body was quivering as though a low-voltage current was passing through it.

She had known, almost from the beginning of his story, that somewhere along the line, Nick Wilde had stumbled; she'd begun readying herself for the big reveal almost as soon as she'd heard of the red fox's promise to his beloved vixen, "I'm done with hustling Robyn, it's over, I swear."

But nothing could have prepared her for the news that her partner's fall from grace had taken place right at his moment of triumph. "Never let them see that they get to you," he was always saying. Only, how could Judy fail to be affected by something like this? Even now, she could feel her eyes getting hot and moist.

Life, you're a jerk!

And there was something even worse for Judy. She had also never imagined that her partner's downfall might have come as a catastrophic failure; she'd assumed from the start that it had been a long, slow slide into darkness, not a precipitous drop into oblivion. Nick Wilde...on top of the world one day, bottom of the heap the next? That was almost too painful to contemplate, especially in light of everything she'd heard so far.

What the heck could have happened? How had Wild Times-and Nick Wilde-been brought down so swiftly?

Judy wasn't sure that she wanted to know, but at the same time, she had to know. At that moment she was a moth circling a candle flame...a particularly apt analogy, as she was about to find out for herself.


"Finnick's call came in at about one o'clock in the morning; it was Monday, two days after Halloween."

"It had been our biggest weekend since the end of summer-and we'd been ready for it; after all, who doesn't want to get scared on Halloween? We'd laid it on huge for the occasion, adding spooky props to all the rides, holding contests for the scariest and most creative costumes, selling Halloween treats at all the concession stands and booking 'Nothing to Fear', an Oinko Boinko tribute band to play the stage. (Meffy Newsome found them for us.) What made it an especially great time was that we were finally able to keep the profits from a holiday weekend for ourselves; we didn't have to fork it all over to our backers."

"I can still remember the first thing I said to Finnick when I picked up the phone. 'This had better be good, Mini-Me.'"

"It wasn't good-it was the WORST. In two seconds, I was fully awake and throwing on my clothes; this was the first and only time I had ever heard Finnick getting all choked up."

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now