The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 87

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 10 –When A Fox Goes Rabbit
(Continued...Pt. 2)

"Wha...? Why is Erin calling me now? I thought we agreed on later this afternoon."

Judy frowned as she read the name on her cell-phone screen. Finally, reluctantly, she pressed the 'answer' button.

When the call had come in, it had caught her sitting in Dr. Hind's waiting room, a place that was light years away from what she'd thought a psychologist's office was supposed to look like. Judy had walked in expecting bare walls, minimalist furniture, and antiseptic lighting, the same as nearly every other doctor's office she'd ever visited.

The reality could not have been more different; she might have just as easily have found herself in the reading room of an 'old money' historical society. The carpeting was both thick and spongy, the air smelled faintly of oranges, the walls were paneled in deep, old walnut, and decorated with vintage photographs of the city of Zootopia, many of them dating back more than a century. (Whoa, the Climate Wall had once been coal-fired?) And speaking of walls, the one directly opposite of where the doe-bunny was sitting was given over entirely to bookshelves, stacked with a mixture of classic literature, popular fiction, and popular non-fiction. The lighting was soft, yet bright enough for reading, the chairs were solid, yet comfortably cushioned, and the slowly turning ceiling fans were fitted with blades hewn from real wood and, tipped with real brass. Even the magazines were up to date—which was the biggest surprise of all. (The last time Judy had picked up a magazine in a doctor's office, the cover had been graced with a picture of President Moosevelt...


Now she placed the phone against her cheek, and checked her watch. 12:45...okay, that would work; her appointment was at 1:00. She could talk for a little while at least.

"Erin?" she said, "Erin, why are you calling me so early? We were supposed to hook up later in the day; you're just lucky you caught me when I've got a few minutes."

In response the younger bunny sighed wearily, filling the earpiece of Judy's cell with a wash of fuzzy static.

"Sorry, Jude...really, but I thought you needed to hear this right away. Rock Hardesty's at it again...on his radio show, I mean. He says that there's another video of you and Nick. Oh, and someone called him up a few back and said that you guys were...uh, 'carrying on' in the middle of some courtroom thing earlier today."

Judy heard the second part first...and would have screamed if she'd been by herself. Schatten, that no-good, smirking, speciest jerk, it could only have been him. Oooo, just wait until she told Chief...

"No, wait, no," Judy hurriedly put the brakes on that train of thought. George Schatten was a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them, (at least not THAT stupid.) No way would he have made that call himself; he'd have gotten someone else to do it for him. Whooo, good thing Nick had opted not to come with her for her appointment; this was the last thing he'd have needed to hear right now.

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