The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 13

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.

The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction

Part One:


Chapter 3 - Day of Carrots and Blueberries
(Continued...Pt. 5)

"Whoops, come and get it shrimp! Whoops! Too slow, Shorty. Hee!"

"Give that back!"

"Okay dude, you win...psyche! Wah-hahahahaaaaaa!"

There were two of them, a zebra and a serval-cat; high school kids...and also gangsta wannabees judging by the hoodies, backwards-turned baseball caps, and pants worn at half-mast; definitely not from the Burrows. Each of them was holding a flat, rectangular cardboard box which every few seconds they would use to taunt the animal confronting them, holding out a carton and then pulling it away at the last second.

"Give that back punk!" the other animal snarled, grabbing for the box the serval had just yanked out of reach.

The pair of homies nearly fell over laughing. It wasn't their opponent's size that they found so amusing, it was his voice; a deep-dish, gravel-strewn basso-profundo that would have been more appropriate to a musk ox than a fennec fox.

"Give 'em back!' Finnick snarled again, brandishing his trademark baseball bat.

"Ho, what are you gonna do with that thing, squirt?" the serval sneered, "Make a pawpsickle?

"I'll show you what I can do with this." the desert fox raged. He started to raise the weapon but then hesitated. A crowd had begun to gather around him and the homeboys and if he used his bat in front of a dozen witnesses, especially with him being a fox species...

Reluctantly, he lowered it again.

"Hey guys, give him back his property." a voice called from the rear of the crowd. "Come on, you had your fun."

"No way, these are OURS!" the zebra brayed.

"Heck they ain't, you stole 'em off my table." Finnick's voice was almost a roar.

"PROVE!" the serval taunted him, spitting out the last word like spoiled fruit. "These puppies belong to us and you're just trying for a sympathy hustle."

"Yeah fox, like anyone would be stupid enough." His partner agreed.

"You stole 'em off me!" Finnick insisted, "I HEARD you take 'em."

The two homeboys started laughing again, and this time a few of the onlookers joined in.

"Heard us take them!" the zebra kid let out short, derisive bray and looked at his partner, "Can you believe this shrimp, dude?"

"Yeah, like you can believe anything a fox says," The serval agreed, reaching out to give his bud a fist bump.

"Yeah, for sure." The voice from the crowd had become suddenly agreeable, "Everybody knows that all foxes lie like rugs."

"What he said," the zebra nodded, poking a thumb over his shoulder at the speaker, "I never met a fox in my life that wasn't a dishonest dirt-bag."

"You got that right," the voice to the rear agreed.

"No kidding," the serval mewled, "Species don't come any lower than foxes."

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