The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 51

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 6 - Nick's Story
(Pt. 1)

Nooo, Judy Hopps wasn't jealous; of course she wasn't jealous. Nick Wilde was her partner and her friend; that was all. And besides that, he was a fox and she was a bunny-AND he was at least ten years her senior. No, she wasn't jealous, her face was always this green, (or that was how it felt anyway.)

But what the fox said next purged away any such feelings that she might have been harboring, once and for all.

"Robyn's gone, Carrots; passed away more than ten years ago...cancer." He looked out the window for a second, watching the storm, "But that didn't happen until more than two years after she walked out on me."

Judy looked at the cell phone screen and sniffled, ashamed for having held such negative feelings towards...what was her name again? Robyn...McFerral, that was it.

Eventually, her eyes and his found each other once again.

"Oh Nick, I'm so sorry," she said, laying her paw on his arm. He flinched, but did not pull away-and Judy said nothing further; this was another instance where the best thing to do was just sit back and listen; the fox would either tell her what had happened or he wouldn't. Either way, the ball was in then his court.

He would; in fact, he started speaking in a rush.

"Carrots, to understand what happened-and how it happened-you need to hear the whole story, all the way from the beginning." He held up a finger, "but I warn you, at least part of what I have to say could get me kicked out of the ZPD. If Chief Bogo, or especially the Police Board ever finds out, I'm toast. Do you understand?

For several long seconds, Judy only looked at him, nose twitching and the rest of her face a closed book. Inwardly, she was stunned; she had always known that Nick had a checkered past; heck, he'd been no paragon when they'd first met. Look at the way he'd constantly mocked her, even going so far as to deliberately hold her up at the DMV because seeing her fail amused him..

All right, fine...but now Nick was telling her there was a breach of virtue in his history serious enough to get him fired from the ZPD? She never would have imagined he was capable of such a thing. On the other paw, the fox did have a penchant for the overdramatic, especially when he got himself worked up. Maybe his transgression wasn't as seriously as he thought. On the OTHER paw, what about the way she'd gotten Duke Weaselton to give up Doug? Was she such a saint? And what if the Police Board ever found out about that?

After a short a moment, Judy raised her right paw, not in a Ranger Scout salute, with the little finger tucked under her thumb, but with her pawlm wide open, the same as she'd done the day she was sworn into the ZPD. And then for good measure, she put her other paw over her heart.

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