The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 23

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 - Day of Carrots and Blueberries

(Continued...Pt. 15)

"So they sold out all the T-Shirts, the kid has money to burn in his pocket and the rest of the Carrot Days Festival to do whatever he wants....and instead of going on the rides or anything, he volunteers to help out at the talent show. Pretty weird if you ask me, Nick."

"Uh-huh." The red fox answered laconically.

There were strolling through the flea market. It was late and the place was almost deserted; most of the stalls were dark and empty. Aside from the few still open, the only other activity they'd seen in the last ten minutes had been a clean-up crew, emptying trash receptacles.

"I mean." Judy waved her paw in the direction of the campground, "he practically begs Finnick to stay on through the end of the Festival, and then when he gets his wish all he want do is WORK."

"Uh-huh." Nick said.

She nodded towards amphitheater, (now also dark and deserted.)

"Well, at least we know how Conor got backstage without being stopped by Security."


From a nearby light-pole a P.A. speaker crackled. "Attention...attention everyone: The Carrot Days Festival will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please begin making your way to the exits and thank you for attending. We hope to see you again tomorrow."

"Uh-huh." Nick Wilde said.

Judy looked at him with a twitching nose and a raised eyebrow.

"Did you hear about that big fight over by the Ferris Wheel, Nick?"


"I think it's terrible that they're banning foxes from next year's Carrot Days, don't you?"


She clasped her paws to her cheeks and pretended to gasp.

"Oh no, look, they've got Finnick in pawcuffs!"


She pointed to a nearby dealer's booth.

"Will you buy me that necklace?"

"No, it's too much money...and nice try." (Now he was the one with a raised eyebrow.)

Judy stopped, harrumphed, and thumped her foot.

"All right Nick what's bothering you?"

He turned around with his paw on his hip.

"What's BOTHERING me, Carrots? What the heck are we still doing here? We should have left for home half an hour ago."

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