The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 18

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 - Day of Carrots and Blueberries

(Continued...Pt. 10)

"Wha..? Ohhhhhhhhhh, I am naked!"

Judy yanked her paw away as if the door to her hutch was booby-trapped. Sweet cheez n' crackers, she'd come THAT close to walking out into the hallway in a state of nature. (And with her luck, Nick Wilde would have been right outside the door.)

The truly disconcerting part was that this was the first time one of Judy Hopps' 'city habits' had followed her home to the Burrows. In her apartment back in Zootopia she could get from the bed to the bathroom without need for even a robe. No such luck here in the Hopps family warren; the bathroom was three doors down the hall from her hutch, and the chances of making it that far without bumping into someone rested somewhere between being hit by lighting on a sunny day and flagging down a bullet-train.

She went to the closet and started to get dressed, a little nicer outfit than the one she worn earlier, embroidered shirt and khaki vest, together with a flowered skirt. She wanted to look good for Erin's talent show debut.

By now-Judy was certain of it-her mother had to be aware of the encounter between her sister Erin and the silver fox Conor Lewis. Just as she'd promised, Judy had checked to make sure her sis had kept her part of the bargain-and had learned that the end result had been an armed truce, if not a full reconciliation

Hopefully, that would be enough for their mom.

In point of fact, Judy had bumped into her mother, together with her dad, just as she, Nick Wilde, and the kids were exiting the ride concession...and the timing couldn't have been better. The youngsters had all been clamoring to go on the coaster again, and they might never have lain off had their mother not flatly declared, "You have two more days left; that's plenty of time to go again," and that had been that. (Bonnie Hopps might have been incapable of putting her foot down where her brother Terry was concerned, but her children were another matter.)

Just the same, Judy could understand her younger siblings' not wanting to leave the ride concession. They'd all had grand time, her and Nick included. On the carousel ride, the fox and her sister Cotton had formed a tag team to grab the brass ring, a feat that had earned the little bunny a huge stuffed dragon, whom she'd promptly name Elliot and promised to love 'forever and ever and ever and ever'.

Even now, checking herself in the mirror, Judy had to wonder how the fox had pulled off that coup; he'd seemed to know exactly when to make the move, and instead of stretching out sideways as most animals would have, he had leaned over backwards with Cotton sitting on his chest and she had grabbed the ring on the upswing of the wooden unicorn they'd been riding.

It was yet another piece of unexplained inside knowledge on Nick Wilde's part. How had he known to use that trick?

Meeting up with Judy's folks had been a fortuitous occurrence for her and the fox. They'd been able to leave the kids with her mom and dad-except for Cotton, who had refused to be parted from Nick-and finally go get some shopping done.

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