Our Scars Make Us Stronger

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This time Germany yelped as one of his most sensitive areas was touched, and he couldn't stop the memories that came flooding back at the stranger's rough touch.

"What the-"

"No stop plea-"

"What the HELL was that?!"

The man touched his skin again, drunkenly pulling up his shirt to expose the area, despite Germany's weak protests as the sounds of the war rang through his mind again. The man was stronger, and he managed to glimpse it before Germany could finally yank his hands off his body, breathing heavily and wrapping his arms around himself.

"That was WEIRD what the actual f-" He slurred loudly. The noise rang through their area, making a few other heads turn. The countryhuman, unknown to the human population of course, flinched again at the attention, fighting back tears.

He ran to the nearest table drunkenly, babbering to anyone half-awake. Nobody was really listening, less giving a real reaction. The man stumbled back, and stared at him for a long second, Germany didn't know what he was thinking, what the stare meant, but his panicking brain was definitely telling him it was bad.

'He's going to hurt you-'

"Show me."

He nervously shook his head, then more vigorously as the man approached again, face a dark shadow made flushed from alcohol.


Germany bit back a cry as the man's hand grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to his face, snarling in his face. "What is it? Scared? Show me." He grabbed the smaller's hip again with his free hand, feeling the same rough line he touched the first time across his skin.

He didn't get too much time to study it more, and was suddenly hit on the face. The blow landed on his right cheek, and he stumbled back, releasing one hand to grab his face.

Germany's eyes were wide open, panting as he slowly dropped his clenched hand. He didn't even know he was going to punch the man, acting on pure adrenaline. Unfortunately, he didn't do it hard enough. He was back again, eyes livid.

"You mother-" He said quietly before lunging at Germany. Grabbing him back the collar, he almost lifted him off the ground, screaming intangible words at him. The smaller male managed out a scream as he felt his feet leave the floor, grabbing at his wrists tightly and trashing.

A sickening crunch of bone later, Germany found himself standing on the ground again, shaking but free of any stray hands on his body. He hugged himself for protection, nearly sobbing with relief. A taller figure was shielding him with his body, grabbing the man by his own collar this time, fist raised for another punch, ice blue eyes burning with cold flames.

"-M-Man c-chill! I didn't do anything-" He pleaded, sudden fear making his cloudy eyes alert with panic as he saw the bigger man right in front of him, holding up his fist which was stained with his own blood. He didn't look like a local, with platinum blonde hair hidden under some cold-weather hat and unnerving blue eyes.

Russia growled and raised his fist again, seeing the man cower under him, broke nose gushing out blood. He definitely used too much force, but he was just so angry. But the man wasn't the only one cowering, he was suddenly reminded of the smaller country hiding behind him, visibly shaking.

He let go, and the man stumbled back, both hands holding on to his bloody face. Russia shook out his hand that was gripping his shirt, and turned around. Germany was nowhere in sight.

"Германия? Где ты?(1)" He said quickly, looking around in the crowd. Casing one more look at the man, Russia walked off, looking for his missing boyfriend.

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