Reunion: Lou and Devil

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Debbie kissed Lou's forehead and then got up from the bed. Lou was sleeping. She was sure Lou won't wake up anytime soon. She wore the discarded robe, went to bathroom to get ready. Once she was, she met Tammy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Good morning darling", Debbie gave her a side hug.

"Good morning. So, Lou won't wake up any time soon, I suppose?"

"Nope. She is sleeping. It's funny, she woke up at 4:30 to train"

"That girl has her own way of doing things. She is unique. The laziest trainer ever to born in this planet"

"That she is"

"So, what are your plans today?"

"Prepare Claire for quiz. Then I need to go to my apartment. Have some work"

"Training Claire in Lou's presence. All the best to you"

"What will happen?"

"You really asked that question? You know how Claire acts in your class, right?"


"Now multiply that with 1000 and you'll get Lou Miller in her lowest form of energy"

"Lowest form?", Debbie chuckled.

"Yup. Lowest. When it raises, her dork behaviour too increases and you'll definitely have to shut her up or kick her out"

Debbie laughed. "I gotta see that once"

"At your own risk"

"Yeah, my risk. I wanna see her crazy dork self"

"Haven't you seen enough?"

"Still, I wanna see that part of her which you described. You know... Speaking about stuffs, explaining it to others..."

"You want to go mad?"

Debbie chuckled. "No, just wanna see her at her best"

"You gonna regret"

"Will be fun though, right?"

"Fun yeah, but only for her"


Lou opened her eyes and looked around. Debbie wasn't there. She groaned and then went back to sleep.

Downstairs, her trainers were busy adjusting the equipment to the required settings. Next week, the gym will reopen. They had to get it ready. Daphne however wasn't in mood to do anything. She decided to go back. Tammy asked her to drop her near the hospital.

They were inside the car. Daphne was being extremely low. Tammy was worried.

"What happened, Daph?"

"Ugh, nothing"

"You do know that I am your friend, right?"

"Tammy, I am fine. I just... Didn't sleep last night. That's all"

"Your eyes look like you cried whole night. What happened?"

Daphne broke down. "Richie..."

"What happened to him?"

"He cheated on me"


"When I returned back from Lou's party, he was with his assistant in my bed. He... He wasn't even ashamed or regretful"

"Oh my god!", Tammy hugged Daphne.

"He was with me only because his boss had seen me and his boss thinks Richie is some really nice guy. That boss is kinda conservative and he likes people who are really faithful and have... you know... a committed relationship that will evolve into marriage. Just to maintain the good boy image, Richie was with me"

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