Debbie and Lou

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"I'm sure the building secretary or the guard will kick my ass out if I always leave a puddle of rainwater behind", Lou said while they were walking downstairs to Debbie's apartment.

"Hmm", Debbie was thinking deeply.

"Debbie... You... Fine? Are you... Regretting what ju...just happened?"

"Hmm no but I feel bad for your special lady now"

"Special... Oh no... It won't be a problem", Lou said chuckling.

"And why is it?"

"I... She will understand"

"Understand what?"

"That... Hmm you know we kissed"

"What it takes for you to tell me that I am your special lady whom you are head over heels for?", Debbie asked walking inside the apartment

"I... What? How do you know? How... Woah slowly", Lou said while Debbie caught the lapels of her jacket and pulled her inside and closed the door.

"Slow down Miss Sea... You are..."

"Shh... The secretary almost saw you"

"Well, I don't think pulling me in helped. The water trails are up to your apartment only"

"Oh fuck!"

As of cue, they heard the knock. Debbie opened the door. The secretary was standing outside, not so happy.

"Miss Ocean, you..."

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

"The water trailing is too much. It's already a slippery floor. Now it will be more. Also, the maid won't come here till tomorrow"

"Please I'm sorry. We were just..."

"You and your friend, do something about this water. I don't want any kid to slip and fall"

"Hmm sure, we will clean it"

"You will clean it? I didn't say... Well if you are, then clean", the secretary said and went.

Debbie muttered fuck under her breath.

"You had to offer cleaning service"

"I... Didn't know what exactly to say"

"Well, I guess we don't have any option. How many floors to this building? I didn't count while climbing the stairs"


"So, we are in 5th floor now. Oh fuck! We need to mop 6 floors? We should've taken the lift"

"Well, you didn't"

"So now we are cleaning?"

"I guess"

"Before that we need to change. Else we will be adding more to it"

They changed and then cleaned the trails. It took almost an hour for them. In one floor, a resident woman thought of them as new maids and ordered to clean her house too, which they didn't, obviously. Finally, when they were done, Lou and Debbie went back to the apartment. Lou fell on the couch.

"Too much"

"You are a gym trainer"

"But climbing the stairs while mopping... I hate stairs"

"Well, you made us go on roof top. So, you have to", Debbie said smirking.

"Well, that's true. But yeah, mopping is better than dying though"

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