You are very precious, Lou

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A/n: Earlier, I updated by mistake. I am sorry for that. This is the actual update. Enjoy 😊


Lou drove to NY. Debbie was in the passenger seat.

"So, what made you change your mind?"


"How did you... I mean why did you suddenly forgive me?"

Debbie understood what Lou was speaking about.

"Truth to be said, I didn't think of forgiving you at all until I heard the proceedings of 2nd white council"

"Oh", Lou was serious now. "I... I didn't mean to..."

"I am sorry Lou. I... Without realising your intentions, I behaved cruelly. I still don't get why you are blaming yourself for what happened and giving me a clean chit"

"Because I was wrong"

"We both know that I was more wrong than you"

"Not we both. Only your advanced brain is thinking that you are wrong. What I saw was the karma for my behaviour"

"Seriously! How can you think that way?"

"What way?"

"That you are at fault and not me?"

"Because that's what happened. So"

"You think if our places were interchanged, you would take over the gym, house and jewellery from me?"


"See, that's what I am saying. You..."

"I wouldn't take them because it is mine. You don't have a gym or bike. Though you have lots of jewellery. But I wouldn't take that. You have really odd taste. Too feminine. And..."

"Lou, I am serious"

"Me too. I seriously think you should go for some contemporary designs. You know, not completely feminine. Your fabric Narnia is also girly. Well, kind of. But..."



"How can you... Fuck", Debbie leaned and kissed her cheeks. "Idiot. You know what I am speaking about but not ready to get into the issue"

"You haven't kissed 34 times. This kiss won't be counted in that. 34 kisses are still remaining. And also, few more because you are taking me with you to NY"

"You volunteered"

"I suggested. You agreed. And because I suggested, I should be rewarded with kisses"

"How can you be so cheesy?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, the way you look and the way you behave, none can think you as a fucking sappy romantic idiot"

"Why will anyone think that? I am romantic only for you. How will others know?"

Debbie shook her head. "You are really one of your kind"

"Actually, I am training Angel to be like me. If not for me, she would've had that Disney Princess theme birthday"

"Well, it's not a bad theme"

"It definitely is not a good one too. Now I wonder what you and Tammy have planned for mine. You both are being secretive. Don't tell me I am supposed to wear some fucking glittery gown"

"How on earth you got to know that? You were not supposed to find it out"

"What? You are serious? Jesus! Are you giving a Disney princesses party?"

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