Baby Cate, are you okay?

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A/n: I have taken sunburn for granted in this chapter. Else, in reality, for Lou's skin, the exposure to hot sun will lead to complications.


That evening, Lou trained Debbie, again with all disregard by Debbie towards Lou. Lou had decided to suffer. So, she tolerated everything. Then Debbie went to shower when Leo entered the gym.

"Lou, ready?"

"Oh Leo, I'm sorry I forgot to inform, I don't think I can train anymore"

"Why? What happened?"

"I... It's hectic and I too am not so fit"

"Hmm are you... In some trouble? You told you are getting ready for some challenges in future"

"Honey, I am fine now. And don't worry, you have trained me well. Let's see what happens in future"

"What are you getting into?"

"Don't know. Just getting myself ready to face whatever that's on its way"

"Well, don't forget that I'll be for you. A word and I'll be next to you. Don't forget that"

"I won't forget honey. I will call you"

Leo nodded and hugged her, bear hug obviously. Then he left. Lou returned to her office.

It was not even two minutes when Debbie entered the office.

"Where's my smoothie, honey?", She asked with sweetness because Kevin and Claire were there in the room.

Lou looked at her, not really ready to make the smoothie. Yesterday, Debbie threw it in the dustbin. So, she wasn't sure.

"Aunt Lou, make for us too"

"Hmm okay"

Lou went to the drinks section and prepared Kale Avocado smoothie for Debbie, strawberry for Claire and Mango for Kevin. She got all three to the office and served. While Claire and Kevin happily took, Debbie took hers and asked Lou to follow her. Lou knew why.

Debbie walked outside the gym and Lou too walked outside. There she again threw it in the dustbin and gave her a big smile. Lou didn't know what to do, she just looked at her.

However, this was seen by Tammy from upstairs who was on her phone and standing near the window. She couldn't see Lou's face but she saw Debbie's and she also saw the smoothie being thrown to dustbin.

What's wrong?

She thought maybe Lou is not being kind to Debbie. Ever since the incident, Lou is not the same. She decided to ask. She cannot have anything bad happen to their relationship. So, she cut the call and walked downstairs.

Meanwhile, Debbie was in mood to trouble Lou more.

"By the way, you need to pay for Claire and Kevin's smoothie. You cannot use my gym's things to your family"

"I... Debbie please... I don't have any... I..."

"Well, that is not my problem. Get me the money"

"But you know I don't have any. I... I can't give you"

"Well then earn. Go be a waitress or no, that is not what is meant for you. You better be a stripper. You can easily make money and pay me. Or... Well, even better, be a slut and trap some rich dude in the club. You have quite an experience in spending money on sluts, so, you can try to be one this time for a change"

"Debbie", Lou said, now angry.

Debbie was about to reply when she saw Tammy walking towards them. She needs to change the environment. She quickly placed her hands on Lou's shoulders and started giggling.

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