A not so happy ride

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Lou rode her bike, 200 metres ahead from where Debbie was standing. She stopped, waited for two seconds, took a U-turn and then stopped near Debbie's car.

"Need help ma'am?", the voice through the helmet was too heavy.

Debbie turned to look at the stranger covered in leather and helmet on head.

"No thanks. I..."

"Hey Miss Sea", Lou said removing her helmet.

"Oh! Hey... hmm..."

"It's not nice of you to forget your would-be's name"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm your would-be trainer, Miss Sea"

Debbie clearly knew what Lou actually meant.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. But you too forget my name often. So, we are even. And please turn your bike. You are facing the opposite side of the traffic. You might be fined"

"Oh, the teacher is already teaching me rules. Fine, I'll turn"

Lou turned the bike. She then got down and stood next to Debbie. She is loving this proximity.

"So, what's wrong with your... vintage car?", Lou said hitting her hand against the car's body.

"It is not vintage. It's just 10-year-old, and stop hitting it"

"Yeah so vintage. Now, what's the problem"

"The fuel is completely drained. I don't know how. And now I'm here, in the middle of the road speaking to you of all people", the last three words she spoke more to herself.

"I heard you. But isn't it the destiny? Of all people in this world, I am the one to stop by?"

"Well, I don't know about destiny but I can't waste my time here. So, see you later. I need to go"

"And how are you planning to go?"

"I'll call cab"

Oh fuck. I didn't think of cab

"The cab? They'll take time to reach here. You will have to wait. Instead, why don't I drop you?"

"I'm fine. I'll take cab"

"Oh, c'mon Miss Sea. Just hop on my bike. Why you want to waste your time and money by taking a cab? Don't you guys teach students regarding importance of time and money? And now, you are disobeying your own lesson?'

"We also teach students not to speak or take lift from strangers"

"Oh, I'm hurt darling. You are calling your trainer a stranger"

"Well I haven't officially started my day in your gym. So, you are pretty much a stranger"

"We met two times. Well three times counting this one. And you gave this stranger your number last week"

"That's because I thought you were Claire's mother. I didn't know you were an impersonator"

"I apologised for that. Now are you coming or not? Look, its cloudy. You want to stay here till the cab arrives? What if it rained? And what if, looking at you completely drenched, the cab guy tries to..."

"Stop. Nothing that sort is gonna happen. So, you can leave"

"Oh, c'mon. They say it is better to be with a known demon than an unknown god... something like that. So, I'll drop you"

"So, you agree you are a demon", Debbie said smirking and Lou so badly wanted to kiss that off her lips.

"Well, you can consider me anything. But for now, let's go. It's dark"

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