Arrogant and Angry Lou Miller

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Lou repaired the stairs by herself. Then she went to Tammy's room and slept next to her.

"Hey, tired?"


"So, where did you go?"

"Some work"

"Yeah, where?"

"Had to meet someone. To speak about something"

"Fine, don't tell me", Tammy said annoyed.

"Tams, there's nothing to tell. You need to rest now. You are not allowed to think of anything for now"

"It's just ankle fracture"

"It is not just. You are hurt. You are in pain"

"Again, I am the doctor, ortho surgeon to be precise"

"But for me, you are my sister. And that's all I know. And I am older than you. You need to listen to me"

"I am mature, unlike you"

"I am a child and you have to listen to this child. Now let me sleep. Wake me up at 5. Debbie will be here at around 6:30"

"I am still saying, spend time with her now instead of sleeping"

"I need my sleep honey. Else I will be miserable"

"That's true. You are miserable"

"Good night Tams"

"Good afternoon"


It's 6:30 and Debbie wasn't at gym yet. Lou waited for 10 minutes. Debbie still didn't arrive. Lou called her but Debbie didn't receive.

Lou took her bike and arrived at Debbie's place. She knocked the door. After few seconds Debbie opened.

"What the hell! You are still not ready? I told you, sharp 6:30. You wasted my time"

"I don't wanna exercise today", Debbie said. She is still sad and Lou's current behaviour isn't helping.

"Couldn't you inform to Amita earlier? What you think, we are your workers and that you can do anything?"

"Lou... It's not..."

"Get ready. I don't have much time to waste"

"I don't want to..."

"Only 5 minutes to get ready", Lou said in her stern voice.

Debbie went inside her room and did get ready. She was little scared of Lou now. Lou isn't smiling, is not speaking softly, nothing. She is being mean and the blue eyes which always looked at her lovingly is not loving anymore.

Debbie took 10 minutes to get ready. Not her fault. She was crying. She had to wash her face many times.

"Don't you have time sense? And you call yourself a teacher?", Lou said in harsh tone.

That was it. Debbie couldn't stop. She cried.

"Why are you behaving like this, Lou?"

"How am I behaving?"

"You were sweet and friendly. But since morning, you are being harsh on me. You changed for no reason"

"What? Are you nuts? I am the same"

"No, you didn't acknowledge me morning, and when I tried to speak, you cut the call. And now you are being rude again. I am hurt, Lou. And so, I didn't get ready for gym. And you hurt me again"

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