Chapter Thirty

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I loved the feeling of his hand in mine. I loved how content I felt the moment I’d reached over to him and he'd linked his fingers through mine. Those delicious tingles that only he could make me feel ran up my arm never ending. I was fully prepared when we'd got into his car for him to smugly gloat over the way I'd reacted in the diner. I wasn't even sure what had come over me in there. I just really couldn't stand the way that woman had been all over my mate. She'd been trying to get her slutty hands on what was mine and it made me furious. It hadn't mattered to me even the smallest bit that Colt didn't give her any attention that he hadn't needed to. It didn't matter that his eyes had been on me the whole time, that I’d had his undivided attention. That the woman would flirt with someone who was mine right in front of me had ticked me off more than anything else ever had. He was mine.

I didn’t know until we’d been there in that Diner just how strong I really was. The fact that my hands alone had left groves in the wooden table where my fingers had gripped was a little intimidating. I didn’t know until that point that I had so much strength inside of myself, hidden away where I didn’t even acknowledge its existence until I needed it. I’d nearly lost control in that diner. Colt and I both knew it. Something inside of me had been fighting to take me over. It had been slowly awakening and trying desperately to get to the surface and I’d just barely been able to keep it under control and subdued. I’d never in my life felt anything quite like it. Even my eye sight had begun to go red with the rage I’d felt as the woman reached down with her towel into Colt’s lap. It had been the last straw and I knew I was going to snap if she didn’t take her human paws off of my mate that instant.

The tone in my voice when I’d told her to get her fucking hands off of him was one I’d never heard before. I could hear the power imbedded in it, the authority coating the words like a blanket. Colt’s eyes had locked onto me in stunned surprise and he hadn’t looked away even once. The woman had heard it to and immediately stopped what she was doing and took a few steps back. The table was in my grip tightly trying to keep me grounded, keep me in some semblance of control. I could read the fear in the woman’s eyes. I could see my reflection come back to me through them and for the first time in my life I realised just how intimidating I could really be. I could feel the wolfs blood in my veins flood me with the power due to an Alpha. I wasn’t ready for this but my brain and essential being was. I’d unknowingly called upon my birthright just now. I’d used my heritage to force that woman to obey.

She stood there for only a few moments before she turned and walked off. Even after she’d left my sight I had to struggle to gain control once again. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out just what was going on with me. I’d never reacted or behaved in such a way before. I’d never nearly lost control over myself simply from the way a human girl was acting. I’d never felt the blinding rage I felt when she’d reached into his lap to clean up the mess she’d intentionally caused. She’d known I wouldn’t be happy about it. I could read it in her body language. She did however underestimate my reaction to her actions. She figured I’d be some quiet girl who allowed another woman to crawl all over what was hers, but I’d die before I ever allowed that to happen.

From the moment my lips had met his for the first time last night he’d been mine. In the moment we shared our first kiss I had given him a piece of the heart beating in my chest. I wasn’t going to tell him that though, well not intentionally anyways, but a part of me had already accepted him as my mate. The other part of me was beginning to and just wanted some time to get to know him.

I looked over at Colt from the corner of my eye as we drove down the street toward the forest. I could see his face set in a relaxed sense of peace. His hand tightened the slightest bit around mine and I realised that something as simple as holding my hand was bringing him the same sort of pleasure as it was bringing me. My smile only widened as I took note of that. It was comforting to know that these overwhelming feelings that were beginning to take me over weren’t only enveloping me. He could feel them too.

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