Chapter Ten

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I stormed away from the house quickly. I couldn't believe that Greg was really going to stand in my way. He'd had that cock grin plastered on his face as he'd glanced at her. My Mate. And how dare she order me disallowed in her home. We were meant to be together. We were supposed to be together and ordering me out of her home would not stop that from happening. The fates had already decided and I needed my mate at my side to rule the pack. Without her there would be no leader when my father passed on from this world.

Of course my mind was over thinking things. My father wasn't going to die for many years to come, but I couldn't seem to stop my thoughts from travelling down the path they'd decided to take. I was so mad at everything. I was soon to be Alpha. I was to be the leader of this pack, the voice of authority and yet he'd stood there in her doorway a smug smirk on his lips as he'd told me he'd be ordered to keep me out. The worst of it was that he'd said she was at the same ranking as me. It wasn't even close to being true.

First of all she wasn't a wolf and I was. The wolves of mated couple always held more authority over the other. And secondly her status of Alpha wouldn't come until I have marked and mated with her. Through my own stupidity the timing of that seemed to be getting farther and farther away. It seemed as if every time I got near her I was destined to do something to push her farther away. Throwing her across the living room had more than likely been the last straw. It would take a miracle for her to forgive me now. It wasn't likely it would be happening any time soon.

I cursed myself for allowing my wolf's emotions to control me in the moment and the sadness of what I had done weighed heavily on my heart. I'd hurt her, badly at that. I'd realised what I did before I had even heard her scream in agony. I'd known it the moment she'd touched my arm and the sparks of energy made them tingle. My wolf had reacted before I could even think to stop him and I had stood there frozen wishing I could take back that moment.

It was even worse when I turned around and saw firsthand the damage she'd already been suffering with. Her arms were bandages and her legs held the faint red marks of healing skin, I felt the anger within me beginning to boil up at the thought that it had been Greg who had healed her somewhat. I knew it was from his saliva. I could smell it all over her. 

She stared at me with wide shocked eyes filled with the pain she was feeling. Her breaths were but tiny gasps as she tried to work her way through the pain. It stopped my slowly building rage right in its tracks to see someone so strong gasping for air and looking so broken and I tried to open my mouth to apologise right then and there. I really did but I couldn't seem to bring myself to say a single word.

I watched as her eyes began to glaze over and she sent me a look filled with pure hatred. I could feel my heart shatter into tiny little pieces when her almost silent words penetrated my head. "Get the fuck out."

I didn't need to hear anymore and looking her once over again I had left. I figured after a little time she's calm down and I could speak to her then but when I'd arrived later she'd been anything but happy to see me. And then Greg had showed up to ensure I left. My best friend, a boy as close to a brother that I'll ever have, had sided with her and stood his ground demanding that I leave. 

I could lie and say I was glad she had him there because I was anything but. I was supposed to be the one to protect her. The one who kept everyone away from her. I was supposed to be the one she leaned on from support and I found myself almost sick at the thought that she'd rather it be Greg. Cold hearted, The Big Bad Wolf, Greg. I was jealous. It simply boiled down to that.

I had been jealous this morning when I'd hit him as he was trying to explain and I was jealous when she'd placed her hand on my arm to stop me from hitting him. A small part of myself couldn't help but think I'd hit her one purpose before I shook it off knowing that it was physically impossible to knowingly hurt your mate. It was something we'd been born with inside of ourselves. You could yell and scream at her but never could you raise a hand to do her physical harm. So now I had not done it intentionally from jealousy or anger. It had literally been an accident.

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