Chapter Two

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I laughed at the boy next to me as he rambled on about some girl who just wouldn't stop coming onto him. It was very amusing to be subjected to it. And an ongoing problem for the past few years. They wanted to date him and he didn't want to date them. I knew why that was but I couldn't help but wonder that if he didn't have a life mate somewhere out there he still wouldn't be attracted to these girls. Not that I blamed him in the least. These girls had nothing really to offer and were far more immature then either he or I. Then again we were the ones who'd had to grow up quickly. We'd been trained from birth to take over our parents jobs as Alpha and Beta of our pack. 

I dated but I did it to keep up appearances. I had to. It was important to keep people from suspecting that we were different. It was bad enough that Gregory completely refused to even make an attempt at dating. He'd once told me his wolf refused to give in to anyone who wasn't his mate. I couldn't help but hope that he found her soon. He needed to be back to himself. He'd turned eighteen a couple of months ago and had lost touch with any positive feelings and could only experience the negative. Which was odd. It used to be that, without our mates, we couldn't feel anything. However anger or anything leading there could be felt now.

For appearance sake we knew when to laugh and act as if we were normal. No one could explain why we could still feel anything at all. The only explanation was the changes you could feel in the air. Or the fact that we were the top two of our pack who had yet to find their mates in the last hundred years. His ancestors had always found they're other half by the time they turned eighteen. It was the same with the Alpha's like myself. I had the same issues he did with my emotions. I'd been eighteen since school let out and could only feel the things leading to anger. The scariest part was that we were the only two to experience this.

Being jocks we were popular, people loved us and we were always thrown into their conversations. The girl I was currently dating was beautiful beyond words but I felt numb for her. She wasn't my other half and I knew that she and I wouldn't be together forever. She had no special place in my heart. I'd leave her one day and break her heart in doing so when I finally found my mate. The trouble was that I knew everyone in this forsaken town and not one of them was the person I needed. She didn't exist here and I couldn't leave to find her. All I could do was hope that she would magically appear out of thin air. 

Sighing I rolled my eyes at Greg and replied to his complaining. "I'm annoyed with your constant complaints. You should just choose one you can somewhat stand to date and the rest would leave you alone." 

He glared at me for a second his eyes hinting a flash of glowing green before they cleared and he nodded his head in agreement. "It's what you’re doing right? Keeping others off your back while dating Sheila? Knowing you'll be breaking her heart when our Alpha female finally makes her debut? That's right dear brother, that's the guilt I want to feel when I finally get my emotions back." 

I shrugged my shoulders as we walked towards my locker. "Suit yourself. I just figured it'd be a lot less annoying then having to fend everyone off. And we do have to keep from drawing the wrong types of attention to ourselves." 

I opened my locker as I shoved my gym bag in from morning practice. Coach had us practising an hour every morning before school and two hours every day after school. We loved the time spent in the fields running our plays and throwing the football as far as possible. It helped us keep in control during our classes throughout the day. I didn't mind school so much, but Greg did. He hated the classes, some more than others and he hated the people. The thing he hated more than any other was the inability to be himself, to set his wolf free. I more than anyone knew he preferred to be that way. He wanted to be himself. I wanted it that way too but I had a responsibility to keep us safe. Or rather I would once I found my mate. 

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