Note From Me

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Note from me... It seems to me that some people have a hard time trying to figure out who pov i'm writing. I dont really want to label who's pov it is, but i'm putting it here so that anyone who reads this book knows. It always bounces between Lady and Colt. Aside from the prologue, which is from Greg's pov, the rest of the book will bounce between Lady and Colt (every other chapter) and will never change over to someone else's pov. Only putting in this note here so no one will find it confusing in the future.

I'm not new at writing however I am new at putting it out there for others to read. I'm always open to critisism. Be it positive or negative. As well as any input or ideas you may have to help improve my stories. Not saying I would or wouldn't use them but they may help me particularily when I hit that stump we call writers block. You never know how the smallest comments can increase an area of brand new ideas. I'll do my best to edit my writing, however some errors may slip past. Having now mentioned such I update as soon as possible and appologise in advance for any who may think I take too long between chapters. I try my best to post new chapters at least once a day. I do hope you will enjoy my story as much as my brain is enjoying the many thought directions I have for this story to play out. Thank you.


P.S. Please don't hesitate to leave your feed back and vote. It encourages me to keep going with this story instead of giving up with the assumption that people are not interested in it, I enjoy writing and have never successfully completed my stories due to no one giving me feedback to let me know if they were even liking or enjoying my writing. Don't forget to vote as it's yet another encouragement. Thanx again.

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