Laws of the Werewolves

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Laws of the Werewolves

1.     A mate is to be placed above everyone and everything else and is always to come first. (Including above the wellbeing of the Alphas.)

->No one has the right to harm another’s mate or their own in any way, shape or form, mentally, emotionally, or physically, without just cause.

->Anyone who harms another’s mate or their own (without reasonable cause for doing so) is punishable by but not limited to banishment or death.

2.     The Alpha’s word is law and when a command is issued it must be obeyed.

->No one had the right to disobey him/her unless the safety of their own mate is jeopardized.

->To do so is considered treasonous and is punishable by the Alpha’s discretion. (Including but not limited to banishment or death.)

3.        Wolves of royal bloodlines have authority over all wolves and are considered Alpha of their pack.

->No lesser bloodline can ever turn against them or issue challenge for rank.

->To commit treason against royalty is punishable by death unless otherwise deemed by said royalty.

4.     The Alpha's and the heir must be protected at all costs unless otherwise dictated.

->No one has the right for any reason, aside from the protection of their own mate or other person elected by the Alphas themselves, to turn their back on the safety of the Alphas.

->Should any pack member go against this law (without the exception of keeping their mate safe) is punishable but not limited to banishment or death.


5.        Aside from the Alphas and mates, the females and pups of the pack are to be protected at all costs.

->No wolf is ever accepted to see to their own safety above that of the Alpha, their mate, the other females of the pack, or the pups.

->Any wolf that does not comply and obey this law is punishable by but not limited to banishment or death.

6.     Being that we live among humans we have a responsibility to protect them.

->No member of the pack is permitted to ever cause intentional or unnecessary harm to a human unless our race is being threatened by such and it is done out of self defense.

->Should any werewolf cause intentional and unnecessary harm to a human they become punishable by but not limited to any means equal or more than the harm they’ve inflicted. (Including banishment or death.)

7.        The heirs to the pack are important and to be respected at all times.

->No one has the right to violate or disrespect them at any point in time.

->Any member of the pack that does so is punishable but not limited to the Alphas discretion.

8.        Alpha's of other packs are expected to be treated with the respect their title earns.

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