Chapter Twenty Eight

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I sat in front of the lit fire using the stump behind me as a back rest and had my legs stretched out in front of me toward the fire. I almost regretted telling Colt to bring us here when we'd walked inside and the place was freezing. I didn't realise how cold it would be here once the sun went down. He'd noticed right away though and lit a fire to keep us warm and then disappeared from the cave altogether. I was a little surprised that he was so observant over how I felt. I could tell he wasn’t nearly as cold as I was and yet he’d lit the fire at the first sign of shivers running through me.

I was sitting here waiting for him to come back so we could talk. We had a lot to talk about too. Nick may have phoned Greg and ordered him to reschedule our training due to Colt’s recent need to talk, his need for his mate, but I had things I needed to talk to Colt about as well. In the few hours I’d been away from him all I could think about was that I needed him to know me. Maybe not everything but I wanted him to know things about me from my mouth rather than anyone else’s. He had a right to know me personally. I still wasn’t ready for him to know what I was or what I was capable of but I wanted him to know things about me that no one else knew. I wanted he and I to have some sort of friendship. I wasn’t ready to commit myself to him as more than that but I wanted to be close to him. Something inside of me needed to be close to him.

I didn’t exactly trust Colt all that much but I had no reason not to trust him. Sure he made some mistakes since we met but for the most part he seemed to really care a lot for me. He stayed by my side for a whole week while I was in a coma and that had to mean something right? He was over protective over me if that episode on the roof was any indication and he’d basically admitted as much earlier today. I knew he was trying to repair the damage that he’d done and he was giving it his all when it came to making things up to me. I still hadn’t forgiven him completely but I did understand why he’d done everything that he’d done.

I’d thought a lot in the last few hours. I was still trying to think everything that I’d learned over with little success. To learn that Colt’s pack was meant to be my own was far more than a surprise. To learn that everyone wanted to keep this knowledge from me was infuriating. I was so happy that Colt had felt the need to tell me and he was incredibly accurate to assume that I’d be angry with him if I learned that he intentionally kept it from me. He’d already shown me with that one small action that he could be trusted somewhat and so tonight before he took me home I had every intention of letting him into a part of my life.

I felt a softness fall over my shoulders from behind adding warmth to my shivering body. I glanced down to notice that a blanket had been wrapped around me. I started smiling to myself as I realised that Colt had gone back to the car to grab a blanket for me and I pulled it tighter around me. I glanced over at him as he moved to follow suit and took a seat on the ground beside me using the same stump I was for his back. It was amazing how large these stumps actually were for us both to be able to sit leaning against the same one.

“Thanks for the blanket.” I said quietly to him. He honestly had no idea how that one small act just increased that feelings I was already developing for him.

“No problem.” He said with a grin as he bumped his shoulder against mine. “I’d hate for you to get too cold before I’m ready to take you home.”

I laughed slightly at his remark but couldn’t help but ask. “And why’s that?”

“I need you right now and your good company. I need something to smile about and your all I can think about to put that smile there.” He said surprising me with the amount of honesty that was showing through his blue eyes as he held my gaze.

I could feel enormous butterflies flapping around in my belly as our eyes stayed locked together. The attraction was electric flooding me with nervous apprehension. Neither of us was able to look away from the other and the look he was giving me was intense, like he was trying to send me a message silently and I had no idea what it was. A small part of me wanted to look away but it was a very small part. The urge to keep looking at him was so much stronger.

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