Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up with a smile on my face unlike any I had ever worn before. I mean it was only a dream that she’d had but it felt so real. I could smell her; feel the heat from her hand as she ran it over my fur. It felt amazingly wonderful to curl up around her and place my head in her lap, to be close to her. I watched her as she stared back at me awestruck. She’d been amazed at my enormity and hadn’t shone even the slightest of fears. I’d felt for the first time as if I were truly home, as if I was right where I belonged. I knew in reality that things would more the likely be different, but for those few hours they’d been more than I could have ever expected.

She’d accepted everything while in that meadow that nature could provide. I had watched her run with the deer having the time of her life. I’d even kept myself hidden afraid she’d run off at the sight of a huge giant wolf. But she hadn’t. I could sense that she felt me walking up to her. That she knew of my presence stalking toward her and she’d waited patiently for my approach. I could help but purr as I smelt her. I could help but nuzzle her hand, initializing the first contact with her. I wanted so desperately to know what her touch would be like.

When she first spoke to me I’d been afraid to say anything back and yet even still I was unable to stop myself. I was surprised at the things she’d told me, at the paths with which her life had gone. She’d boosted my ego in that moment and she had no idea. Sure it was a dream but every wolf in our pack had the ability to dream walk with their mates. It was basically a way to communicate and keep contact even while asleep. It was a dream, but it wasn’t at the same time. I’d decided last night that it would be a prime opportunity to get to know her better. I knew I was abusing my power but I couldn’t stop myself once I thought about it. The advantage it gave me would help in gaining her forgiveness.

She’d figured out that it was me by the end and I’d had to pull out. I feared what her reaction would be. She’d felt soothed and comforted by my wolf. She’d accepted him wholeheartedly. No questions asked. But I wasn’t sure if she would’ve accepted knowing it was me. To her this would all be a dream but she’d keep the same thoughts and feelings she had in real life. The only difficulty I might face is in the hours where we were awake. I couldn’t let her know I knew of anything she’d never told me here. I knew it could create more problems and even more I’d have to be forgiven for. I had enough on my plate as is.

When she’d told me she had been running for her life I’d had to keep my wolf reined in control. He’d wanted to lash out with rage and I didn’t want for her to fear me in anyway. It was a place where we could both be ourselves, where I could gain a sliver of her trust and be able to find a way to connect with my mate here in reality. She wouldn’t open up with me about any of the dangers she’d faced, only saying how she was safe now. I couldn’t help but hear the lie spoken in the background of her words. She was safe now but she knew it wasn't always going to be that way. I could sense that she knew someone was coming after her and in one way or another they’d fine her.

There in that field I’d felt myself slowly but surely falling in love with her. She was everything that I could ever hope for in a mate. She was courageous where others would be fearful. Just the approach of my wolf had shone me that. She was more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen. How the sunlight had cascaded over her hair and allowed it to shine as if she were glowing. She'd accepted my voice filling her head as if it were normal. Many others would've feared they were going crazy. I could sense within her dream the amount of power she had coursing through her. And it was her dream. The only thing I's altered was my presence in it. It was like I said I walked into her dreams.

Sighing I looked at my alarms clock. I'd woken before it had gone off but I was grateful to once again have some extra time this morning. I wanted to get to school and see her. I knew she'd be there. I had this gut feeling that she'd want to see me too. That a part of her was telling her I wasn't as bad as she thought I was. A part of her had already begun accepting me.

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