Chapter Nine

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I jumped slightly when I heard a loud crash coming from downstairs and felt my whole house shake with the vibrations of it. "What in the hell was that?" I asked Liam incredulously. I watched his wide eyes cloud over with confusion as he to tried to think of what it was. Another crash came soon after followed by a grunt of pain. Tightening my jaw in pain I pushed myself to get up from my bed. I was determined to go downstairs and see what was going on.  

Liam jumped up with every intention of forcing me back into my bed but backed off as I sent him a glare daring him to try it. Instead he walked beside me as I made my way slowly to my bedroom door. He helped me down the stairs. The sight that greeted me had me widening my eyes in surprise. 

I watched silently for a moment as Colt grabbed Greg by his throat and tossed him across the living room like it was nothing. He stalked over to him throwing another punch to match the one that was already blackening his right eye before picking him up and repeating the process. The most surprising fact of it all was that Greg wasn't even trying to defend himself. He just took the beating as if this sort of thing were normal and as I stood watching I wondered if maybe it were. 

I didn't know Colt even remotely well enough to know if he was a regularly violent person. I'd never sensed that he was but that could've just been my personal feelings clouding my judgement. The sight before me made me sick to my stomach. They were supposed to be the best of friends and at this moment Colt had a look about him that said he would kill him if I didn't put a stop to this. 

Looking around my living room I took note of the destruction of my Aunts furniture as well as the structural damage of the walls Greg had been thrown into. I cringed with the thought of just how painful that had probably been. The more I looked around the room the more I became angry with the work I'd have to do to repair our home and the thoughts of how limited mine and my aunt's funds were. I could feel my body beginning to tingle as I said in an extremely loud voice. "Enough. What the fuck is going on here." 

I watched Greg's eyes widen for a fraction as he'd heard my words. Colt just continued on as if he hadn't. It pissed me off that he would ignore me so easily and before I could think to stop myself I marched my way over to where they were. Liam tried to jump forward to stop me but it was already too late. Just as my hand was placed onto Colts arm to stop him I was hurled across the room into the wall opposite of where they were. I watched as Colt immediately froze, his entire body going stiff with the recognition of what he had done just before the pain hit causing me to scream out in agony. My already pained body felt as though it had shattered into tiny little pieces and my breath came out in tiny gasp as I tried to breathe. Liam ran to my side immediately as Colt turned to face me. His eyes holding an expression I'd never seen anyone wear before. I watched him closely and as he took a step toward me, his eyes telling me of his regret, I cringed into the wall, another cry of agony leaving my lips. 

"I tried to tell you." I heard Greg mutter quietly from the spot he sat on the floor. 

Colts eyes travelled the length of my body, taking in the damage I'd already suffered and I watched as his face hardened in horror at what he'd just done. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish. I could tell right off that he wanted to say something but he didn't even know where to begin. I felt my anger beginning to increase as I took in the whole situation. My body beginning to burn with heat. I knew a repeat of what had happened yesterday was about to take place again. I looked to Liam in fear to see his eyes widen as well before he stepped away from me slightly. He was boosting me again and this definitely wasn't the time for that. I watched as his face drew in concentration and I felt the burn of my skin slowly dissipate  

My eyes looked back to Colt, filled with disgust, as I said the only thing I could think to say. "Get the fuck out of my house." 

It had come out barely a whisper but he'd heard. He wore a look of complete and utter hurt as his eyes stayed locked on mine for just a moment. Then he turned and left. Didn't look back and didn't say a single word. Just turned around and left. In that moment all I wanted to do was cry, and I never cried. But I felt that my heart had been shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't figure out why. It's not like I even liked him. I felt the warm wetness make its way down my cheek as I tried to lift my hand to wipe it away. It wouldn't budge more than an inch before I screamed at the top of my lungs in pain. I was broken I could feel it as the waves of agony rode my body. I couldn't move and both Liam and Greg stared at me their eyes filled with concern. If I hadn't been in so much pain I would've laughed at the look on Greg's face. It appeared the big bad wolf had a heart after all. He was genuinely concerned about me.  

Forever (Book 1) (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें