Chapter Thirty Eight

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The first thing I noticed as my mind began to return to consciousness was that my body hurt worse than it ever had before. The second thing to enter my mind was how horrible that meeting with my father had gone. When I’d thought about his return, which I’d done quite often since the coma I’d been in, it had never been the way that it’d turned out. It was supposed to have been a happy reunion. One filled with hugs and understanding. One that meant he’d act like estranged parent that he was. Never did I once imagine that he would show up and demand that I stay away from Colt. I didn’t think for even a moment that he could be so cruel as to put down the people I cared about as a means to hurt me. This man was so far from the person I remembered as a child, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted him to be even a small part of the life that I now had.

I groaned as I moved my arm to try and wipe the sleep from my eyes, and hissed in pain as the palms of my hands made contact, which brought about the reminder of what had happened because of that meeting. I didn’t doubt for even a moment that Colt would be furious about this.

“Lady, are you okay?” I heard Colt ask before I could even manage to open my eyes. His voice was clearly laced with concern for me, and had I not been in so much pain I’d probably crack some sort of joke over it.

“I don’t know.” I muttered in a raspy breath. My mouth was dry and my tongue felt like sandpaper as it flexed with my words. “Why don’t you tell me?”

Colt was silent for a moment before he replied, no doubt he was thinking about what he should say. I cautiously opened my eyes, fearing that the blinding lights of his medical room would cause them pain or discomfort, and sighed in relief when I noticed that I was in the dim confines of his own room.

“Well as far as I can tell the damages aren’t that bad.” He muttered as he sat down on the bed beside me. “For the most part it’s just your hands. I couldn’t tell if anything else was wrong without you being awake.”

“Why didn’t you take me to the medical room?” I asked quietly. I didn’t exactly want to be there. I didn’t trust that doctor at all and being there would only have resulted into another disrespectful confrontation.

“I didn’t think you would want to be there so I brought you here instead.” I said. He raised his hand from his lap and gently placed it on the side of my cheek. His eyes were still filled with concern and for the first time I realised his concern was for more than just my pain and discomfort. “Are you okay?”

I closed my eyes against the onslaught of his concern and groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it right now Colt.”

I heard him sigh and the creak of the mattress as he stood up. “You’re going to have to talk about it Lady. My father wants to talk to you about what happened. He has questions that only you can really answer. No one knows your father as well as you must.”

Looking up at him I watched as he ran his hand first through his hair and then down his face as if the action could rid him of the feelings that were running through him.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now Colt. Not even to your father.” I said and then hissed as I tried to sit myself up in the bed and reach for the glass of water on the end table.

Colt moved quickly once he noticed what I was about and helped me with both. “I guess you’re in more pain than I thought.” He muttered unhappily. “I hoped it was only your hands that would be hurt. I didn’t think the rest of you would be in pain too.”

I let out a small laugh and then groaned with the pain that it’d caused. “How bad was it?”

Colt’s eyes looked at me with his confusion, his eyebrows creased with it as he thought on it. “How bad was what?” he asked.

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