Chapter Nineteen

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“Demons?” My father asked as his eyes examined my mate. I didn’t like the way he seemed to be studying her. It was as if he knew something I didn’t and I knew that couldn’t be the case.

I watched as Lady frowned at him but nodded her head indicating he’d heard correctly.

“What are they doing here?” He asked her hesitantly. I knew he had heard us just a few minutes ago and knew he was aware that she didn’t want to answer questions, but he needed to know that much and I was glad when she seemed to realise this too.

I could hear the fear in her voice as she spoke but she answered him despite it. “They’ve been hunting me for two years and as fate would have it, I seemed to have dragged them to your doorstep so to speak.”

“Hmm… Now this is quite a problem and we can’t have that now can we?” He said with a smile trying to show her that she had nothing to fear from him. Even still, out of instinct, I pulled her close to my side and wrapped my arm protectively around her. “Are you able to tell me why they’re hunting you so vigilantly?” he asked.

I felt her as she shook her head. “I’m sorry sir, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t tell you that. It’s not the right time and I don’t really know you.” She said in a small voice. I could tell just by the way she spoke that she was instinctively avoiding his gaze; it was almost as if she knew not to challenge an Alpha, and that was after all who she was speaking with.

“You’re Henry’s girl?” He asked and I felt her jump in surprise at his words.

“How do you know my father?” She asked curiously.

“We were the best of friends as children.” He said kindly.

I felt my mind spin at the implications. I knew of Henry, he was the child who’d moved, the one who was supposed to be Alpha, the one my father replaced. That meant that my little mate, who already seemed to have the world on her shoulders, was rightfully meant to be the heir. It was as if by mating us together fate was giving it back to her family and I was immensely surprised at that. I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it. In fact how do you tell a human girl with nothing but magic in her blood that she was meant to lead a pack of wolves.

I met my father’s eyes when I noticed he was watching as my mind ran over these thoughts. He simply shrugged his shoulders telling me that he hadn’t a clue and went back to the conversation he was having with Lady.

“Your father was born here in this town. Did you know that?” My father asked.

I felt her shake her head slightly and I could feel that her fear was gone now. My father had managed to put her at ease. “No sir, I’m afraid I didn’t know my father very well. He was rarely home and had passed away when I was five.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. He was a good strong soul. A right fine leader as a lad, everyone wanted to be his friend, or be just like him. I ran into him once just after you were born and all he could talk about was his beautiful little lady.” Father said as his hand reached out and he traced a finger lightly down her cheek.

Before I could even think to stop it my wolf growled in protest and my father quickly took a step back. He knew as well as I did that he’d just over stepped his boundary. He quickly glanced at me, eyes filled with his apology and I felt my little mate elbow me in the side hard. I grunted with the pain of it before I stepped away to rub it soothingly. My father laughed lightly as he took in the scene.

“My son can be quite an ass don’t you think?” Father asked her as I glared at him. Alpha or not I could still take him on. I was trained to be his replacement and if he wasn’t careful I’d take the job forcefully rather than to wait to pass it on.

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