Chapter Twenty Six

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As I woke up I made a mental note to declare this an avoid Colt day. Of course I knew that wasn't likely to happen though and if the truth was told I didn't really want to avoid him. Part of me was thrilled with seeing him again, but I was still mad as hell over his behaviour yesterday. What the hell was with trying to force his mark on me? He should feel so lucky that I was even talking to him after he'd shoved me across the living room. If he wasn't a werewolf and I hadn’t understood his momentary loss of control I wouldn't ever speak to him again. As it stood now I still hadn’t forgiven him for that little episode in my living room. I mean werewolf or not how could he just go into someone’s house and completely disrespect it like that? To me it just showed how littler he actually used his head to think things through.

As I began getting ready for my day my mind was swamped with the thoughts of yesterday. When Nick had said that my father’s story did in fact relate to me my first instinct had been to believe him. I couldn’t explain it but I knew he was telling the truth. Like me he could see into the future and as he said, things like who I was would never change. My purpose was there regardless. I both lived and fought in the coming war, or I died and everyone dies along with me. The fact that it was only me who could save them all would never change. I was destined to save these wolves and any other being that joins with us.

Thinking back to the conversations I’d had here and there with everyone reminded me that there was something they were all hiding from me. It was something important and I only noticed it after I mentioned my father. I didn’t know what their reasons for hiding it were but I was going to find out what it was one way or another. Something told me that it was important that I knew this secret before my father got here. I was going to need time to accept it and get used to the idea of whatever it was. I would ask Colt but I got the impression that he would be the last person to tell me what it was. I knew Nick wouldn’t say anything except what I needed to know and I wasn’t so sure this would fall into that category. Greg I wasn’t sure even knew and if he did then he never once gave the impression that he knew something I didn’t. Colt’s father would likely take the same approach as Colt would and keep it from me, but his mother was talkative and out of them all she was the only one who even hinted at it.

I knew whatever this was led back to my father somehow. It was something even he hadn’t felt I should be told and I didn’t doubt he knew whatever it was. My father seemed to know more than most of these werewolves did. He had a story that none of the Alpha’s had known if the looks on their faces as I told it was any indication. They’d paid attention to every word I’d said, had stashed away into their brains and no doubt were still thinking about it. I didn’t blame them; I’d done the same since hearing it. Especially when my father had said he believed the heroine of the story was me.

This story was the main reason why I’d decided to allow Greg to train me. I needed to be stronger and like Colt I needed to gain complete control over myself. I could do things that no one could even imagine. I could take the abilities other’s had and use them to my advantage if I could learn to control them. I could become a super weapon and part of me was looking forward to being able to zap Colt’s ass when he got out of line. I wouldn’t harm him of course but I’d shock him back into control for sure. ‘Or rile the beast.’ The voice in my head came back with the snarky remark.

Now when my father had told me that at some point I’d shift into a wolf he had me really thinking about the voice that had kept me alive all these years. I couldn’t see it being my wolf side though. I would’ve noticed if it was, especially after meeting the werewolves here. Wouldn’t I? I wanted to ask it but I had a feeling that it wouldn’t answer the question until it wanted to. I was convinced that my father was wrong. What was the likely hood that I would be the only werewolf who didn’t have their first shift at fifteen, granted I was only half werewolf but still. I doubted very much that I would shift into a wolf at any point in time. His whole ‘that’s when the time’s right’ speech was bogus. He can’t sit there and say anything about the secret I was keeping when he, like everyone else, knew nothing about it.

Forever (Book 1) (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin