Chapter Fifty Two

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The roads of the town were deserted as we drove down them making our way toward Alpha house. The wind was the only thing that offered any movement. The streets were vacant of life. No one was about. The humans had disappeared, almost as if they vanished into thin air. The front doors to their homes were left open as the proof that they’d left in a rush. Articles of clothing were scattered around, making it obvious that no one had wanted to take the time retrieving the things they’d dropped. No one was around. Not human, wolf, or demon themselves. It’s like the town had become a blank slate, aside from clothing, or other household items lying about, there was no proof that anyone had even been there just this morning. This somehow wasn’t what I had been expecting.

I’d expected noise, chaos, and people running about frantically in a hurry to leave. I hadn’t expected it to already be done. I wasn’t expecting the silence that had taken over in their absence. I wasn’t the least bit prepared for how lifeless this town would be without the humans here to liven it up. I had thought, when I’d be warned in the past that the humans would leave here, that it would be a slow, gradual change. I had thought that a few would leave at a time. Not that they would all leave at once, just take off overnight in a matter of hours, an almost immediate disappearance.

Before now, it had never really occurred to me just how lively the humans had made this town. I’d always been a part of their world. Now I was seeing what life without them was going to be like. I was seeing how lonely this town was bound to be without them living in it. I knew it wouldn’t be this empty always. I knew others like us, supernatural, were going to come. But until they did it was only going to be us wolves here. Maybe a few others who held some kind of supernatural gift, like Liam or his mother, would be here, but aside from that this town would be virtually empty, a blank slate awaiting a brand new story to be written upon it.

The only real positive out of this was that we were free to be ourselves. We would no longer have to hide who or what we are from the world. This town would become a sanctuary for those like us. Other supernaturals would move in a fill the void left behind by the humans. Our lives would be different and we would all have freedom that we'd never had before. We would be free to do as we wanted, be in whatever form we wanted. No one would again tell us to stay hidden from those in this town. Even if any humans came here again we would not have to hide from them. They would be mated to someone from our worlds. This town was virtually about to become a supernatural haven of sorts. A common place for us all.

The car was silent as Colt drove us toward the house. Greg and Liam were quiet in the back seat. All of us were taking in the changes to this town. Just yesterday it had been as normal as ever and now everything was going to be different. It happened so quickly. It was unreal how we’d only been gone for not even a full day and the world around us had completely changed. Our whole town had changed, and we’d missed it all. We never even saw it happen. We never heard a thing. If Colt’s father hadn’t phoned us we never would have even noticed that anything had happened. We would have been tucked away in my house, shielded by my mother’s spell, having the time of our lives. I’m not even sure we would have even noticed the difference had we not known. It wasn’t exactly obvious. It only seemed that way because we’d been told what had happened and subconsciously we were searching for the proof of that.

“What’s that?” I heard Liam ask quietly. I glanced back to watch as he lifted a finger off to the left. “Over there.” He stated as if he’d been asked where.

Greg was the first to look where he’d been pointing and I quickly followed suit. I couldn’t see anything though. Whatever Liam had been talking about wasn’t there.

“There’s nothing there Liam.” Greg voiced my own thoughts out loud.

“Yes there is. Right there.” Liam said still pointing at the same general area.

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