Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up still wearing the smile I'd worn when I'd gone to sleep. Yesterday had turned out to be an all-around great day and I found myself happy that I'd decided to spend it with Colt and Greg, even with all my misgivings about them. It had been fun and the cave they'd taken us to, had blown my mind. I never would've expected something like that and I was ecstatic that they'd decided to share it with us. I cherished that they’d entrusted us with the location of such a place. It had made me so happy to know that they hadn’t told very many people about it and it made the day all the more special as a result.

I stayed in my bed for a while as I thought over yesterday’s events in my head. It had been the first time we'd all hung out as friends. This was the first that something hadn't really gone wrong since meeting them. Even Liam seemed to have had a great time and yet these were the two boys who spent every opportunity to harass him every chance that they got. It had been fun though, yesterday, and I’d really needed it.

I stretched my arms above my head as I arched my back off the bed, stretching out my muscles from sleep before I sat up and swung my legs over the side. I could only hope that today would go as well as yesterday had, if not better. I was after all going to meet Colt’s parents and I still found myself wondering why they’d make such a request. It was doubtful that they’d heard much about me, well anything that was good anyways, and yet the way Colt had asked yesterday had made it seem that they were in fact excited to meet me.

I was nervous though. Not so much that they wouldn’t like me, I could care less if that was the case, it was more the fact that I knew they were both wolves as well. Older wolves, who knew more then they’re son did. I didn’t want them to throw any questions out toward me that I wasn’t ready to answer or that dug too close to the truth and the stuff I was sworn to keep secret until the timing was right. But I didn't want to come off as rude if I didn't answer their questions. They were after all inviting me to their home.

I only found it slightly odd that I had no fear about going there. I mean sure I’d known werewolves existed for months now, and had had time to grow use to it, but yet today I was bound to be surrounded by them. All I felt was nervousness and no fear. Any normal person would feel some fear while knowing walking into that situation and yet I was almost content at the idea.

I allowed myself to drift into my bathroom and hop into the shower as my mind raced over my thoughts. I was trying to analyze why I felt the way I did. I was trying to figure out why I was even the slightest bit hesitant about going there. Even after all that Colt had done around me, the stuff that fused my dislike for him; I was almost excited to see him again. Once again I was drawn in like a bug to light. I still hadn't even forgiven him for half the things he'd done, but yet I wanted to spend more time with him. I wanted to be in his presence. I wanted to get to know him, to learn every little detail about his life, to have him open up all of his secrets to me.

“As if I don’t have enough secrets of my own.” I muttered to myself as I washed my hair.

I knew colt was different. I could feel it but yet I couldn’t put my finger on what it was about him that drew me in so much. We barely even knew each other and yet I felt as if he and I were supposed to be close. Every time I was near him I could visibly see that transparent bond that flowed between us, like it was connecting us somehow. But why would that be? Why would fate have decided to try and force a friendship between us when I could barely even tolerate him?

Finishing my shower I quickly left the washroom wrapped in my towel. I was so distracted with my thoughts that III hadn't even heard Greg approach and my dropped my towel as I ran into him, He instantly cover his eyes at my now nakedness as my face flushed bright red and I scrambled to retrieve my towel from the floor.

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