Chapter Twenty Two

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It was dark, it was very dark and I couldn't see anything. Even with the ability to see in dark place everything looked black. There were no shadows, no outlines, and no light. I could feel my heart beating heavily in my chest with fear. I hadn't been this scared since I was a little girl and yet here I was absolutely terrified sitting in this dark place. I wasn't so much afraid of the dark it was more of what lay in it, the unknown. If there was even a small sliver of light I would be able to see something, my fear would’ve lessened but as it was I couldn't even see the hand I was holding an inch in front of my face. I’d never felt so blind before, I’ve never felt so alone.

I was alone here. I could sense it and smell it. No one was here with me. The most terrifying part of it all was that I didn’t even know where here was. My mind just kept thinking that the job Liam and I had tried to do had failed, that the demons had captured me and taken me somewhere. That though scared me more than the blinding darkness I sat in. I knew the kind of things they would do to me, the torture I would endure as they tried to persuade me to tell them what I knew. I’d die to keep it from them though. They thought I’d spill it if they tempted me but I was stronger than that. They would never find out from me and I’d never told a soul.

I squinted my eyes hoping that I would be able to see something, that somewhere here, wherever I was, would give off just enough light for me to barely see. It was a wasted effort though. No matter how hard I concentrated I couldn’t see a damn thing. I was a fighter though and wouldn’t stand for just sitting here and awaiting whatever it was that I was waiting for. I slowly reached down to where my pocket should’ve been to see if I had anything that would help me see. Of course there wasn’t, hell I didn’t even have a pocket. Turned out I was sitting here without a damn stitch of clothing on and the thought sent chills up my spine. Why the hell would I be naked?

I stood up from the chair I’d been sitting in and very slowly with my hands reached out in front of me I was feeling around for a table or something that I’d be able to find. I was hoping for a flashlight, a lighter, something that would make it easier to see here. I found nothing though. Aside from the chair I had been sitting in there was nothing else around. I kept walking forward, my hands waving around trying to find anything else that was here. I had the sinking feeling that no matter how far I walked or how hard I searched there was nothing, that I would find absolutely nothing to be of any sort of help.

As I turned around to go back to the chair I realised I didn’t even know exactly where it would be. I’d left it without any way of knowing how to get back to it. I spun in circles for some clue of which way to go. It was a pointless action and got me nowhere. I was getting dizzy and no matter what I did I was lost in this darkness. I was alone and cold and I could feel the hunger rumbling through my stomach.

I sat myself on the ground beneath me as I tried to think of something to do, some way to get out of here, wherever here was. I wrapped my arms around my legs as I tried to keep myself warm, as I tried to find some small amount of comfort here. I tried to work the fear from my system, I tried to be strong and move past it but I couldn’t. I couldn’t find a way to relax. My mind kept running over the idea that something bad was going to happen, that somehow the demons had got to me. Where was Liam anyways?

“HELLO.” I called out trying to ignore my impulse to stay quiet. “IS ANYONE HERE?”

Silence was all that greeted me, only the echo from my words could be heard and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I was stuck somewhere completely alone and chances were it would be a very long time before I found my way out of here. I buried my head in my knees and allowed myself to cry like a baby, I allowed myself to grieve for the life I was sure that I had lost.

I’d only just found friends. I’d only just begun to rebuild my life. I’d only just found a small amount of happiness in the nightmare my life had been for the past two years and it was all lost now. I’d made a mistake and gotten myself trapped in a place I didn’t know and couldn’t see. I could feel my body shake as I cried the hardest I could ever remember crying. I felt my body slump onto the cold ground as I curled into a ball and cried my heart out. Everything I had built up in my life was lost and I was done fighting for all that was lost. I was giving up and accepting what fate had done once again.

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