Chapter Twelve

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Upon awaking my eyes opened slowly and I casually threw my legs over my bed as I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I sighed as I thought of having to get ready for yet another day of school before it clicked. I was supposed to still be in pain and I doubted very much that I'd be able to move painlessly just yet. My eyes snapped down to my arms and I noticed the bandages were gone. I could still feel a low dull ache from my ribs but when I pushed even they didn't hurt as much as they should. Mt face scrunched up in confusion as I tried my hardest to figure out how this was possible. Sure Liam had told me that Greg's saliva had healed my legs and that he'd been unable to continue after, so maybe he'd been responsible for healing my arms too. But that didn't explain my cracked ribs, especially after Colt had thrown me across the living room. So I pushed Greg's help healing me aside.

My eyes set into a glared as I focused on trying to burn a hole into my carpet with the thoughts of Colt. I knew it wasn't entirely his fault but there was no possible way he'd be given a quick forgiveness. He deserved to be made miserable for a while. He sure hadn't had a second thought of causing grief in my life. I was pissed with him. They say first impressions are the most important and if his was anything to judge by I should stay as for as possible away from him. 

Even as I sat scowling at my floor I knew I was being rather harsh about his actions, but I couldn't help it. I mean sure I knew both he and Greg were werewolves, but they for one didn't know I knew, and for two aside from knowing what they are I really knew nothing about them. I knew nothing about the species so I truly had no idea as to what they're instincts were.

I heard my door open quietly as footsteps softly made their way into my room. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Liam, I could smell him. I'd always had a good sense of smell but in the past few weeks I'd noticed that it was becoming strong. I could name out the smallest scents, the ones that were barely even there. Like dinner you ate two nights ago coming off your breath. It kind of freaked me out a bit until the moment that Liam had told me what I was. It was like the missing pieces to a puzzle when he'd told me what I do. It was the answer to the changes that always seemed to be made to my body.

"You’re awake?" Liam asked as he walked to stand in front of where I sat. I raised my eyebrow at him as I looked up silently asking if he'd really asked that. "Your right stupid question." He said as he walked to my window pulling the curtains open.

I watched his actions carefully taking in the details of his movements, almost as if I were trying to memorise them. A deep frown set on my face during my study. I was almost expecting that some form of harm would have come to him with he and Greg in the same house together and I was confused that it appeared nothing had happened. I wasn't disappointed of course, because I'd never wish harm done to my friend, but I did find myself wondering if I had judged Greg incorrectly. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as I thought that he was.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked as he turned to face me, a warm smile placed on his lips. I snapped out of my thoughts as he spoke bringing me back to the ones I'd thought of just after waking.

"Surprisingly I feel fine." I said watching as he nodded. "How is it that most of my injuries are healed Liam?"

The smile on his lips faltered a little bit as he thought of an answer to my question. "I can't exactly tell you that. Greg's made it very clear that it's to remain a secret." He said his voice only hinting with bitterness at his words.

I felt my defenses jolt at his words. Before even asking I already knew that he'd threatened Liam into keeping it from me. And I was not okay with that. A small growl escaped my lips as I asked Liam to confirm my thoughts. "Did he threaten you?"

He shook his head quickly but I'd caught the slight hesitation before doing so. It was all the confirmation that I needed as I quickly stood up and marched my way out of my room. I made sure my footsteps were loud and clear as I made my way down the stairs, giving fair warning that I was coming and I was pissed off. I marched right into the living room to find Greg seated on one of the couches and his eyebrow rose at my entrance a bored look plastered to his face. I didn't say a single word as I marched toward him and swung at his face catching him on the left side of his jaw.

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