Chapter Fifty

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"So you're going to shield the house right?" I asked my mother wanting to make sure that we'd be hidden from view of anyone who came near it.

Colt was right when he proposed three days ago that we take a time out. Some time away from everything that’s been going on and happening around us would do us all some good. My life had been insanely hectic for the last few months and I’d give almost anything for it to go back to how it was when I’d been running from those demons. At least then it was less complicated and familiar after a while. I was sure this life that I was now a part of would grow on me too, and one day it will be familiar as well but there was still a long way to go to get there.

“Yes. None of you will be able to leave once the safeguards are put in place. You’ll be stuck there for the weekend. But no one will be able to find you either. To the outside world your house will just look like an empty home.” She answered as she passed me a box full of food to load into Colt’s car.

It felt like it’d been weeks since I’ve been home. It all truth it has. It would feel good to get back there and be able to feel at home again. The pack house wasn’t uncomfortable but I wasn’t really used to being surrounded by so many people all the time. I liked being alone. I felt that very few could be considered my friends and yet here I was. The only she-wolf with royal blood and the top authority figure of not only this pack, but every pack in existence. That alone was enough to make me uncomfortable. Then to be living in a house knowing that all the wolves were under my control more than freaked me out. I didn’t feel like I was capable of being a good leader to the pack, of making the final decisions and judgement calls. But I knew that I really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

I knew that if I had been raised as Colt had, with the knowledge and education of pack life, that I most likely feel differently about all of this. Then again, even without that knowledge, if I’d known I was royal, as I should have known, that would even contribute to my feeling differently. I accepted what I was born into. I really couldn’t decline accepting it. This was who the fates had deemed me to be in life. But I didn’t really like that the job was falling onto me. The secret I brought here with me was tasking enough. I didn’t even know what it would do to the pack now that I was royal as well.

“Good. I don’t want to be found. I need this escape. Even if only for a weekend. Things are going to change soon enough. The barrier is going to fail and my real job will become evident. Reality is going to intrude and I won’t be able to escape once it does. So this weekend could be the last getaway for a long time.” I sighed as I went back for another box.

Who knew that eight people, seven pack members, and Liam, could need so much food? It was an insane amount really. But since I’d finally shifted myself I noticed that my appetite had increased too. Food had become my friend and I tended to always feel hungry.

“Where’s Colt?” Erica asked me.

“Inside packing his stuff. I never understood why men always wait till the last minute to get this stuff done. He’s also calling Greg to find out if they’re ready too.” I answered just as Colt walked out of the house with a packed gym bag.

“They’ll meet us there. Apparently they’re just loading up now, and then heading over. They’ll probably beat us too since we still gotta swing by and grab Liam.” Colt answered with a smirk as he tossed his bag into the trunk of the car.

“Are we good to go now?” I asked him.

“Yep.” He answered with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at him. His mood was so different from what I was used to now. He was really trying to be a different person and I couldn’t complain. But if I were honest, I missed when he would just snap or let his anger take over. I wasn’t a fan of the perfect happy endings. I wasn’t a fan of this new Colt who did everything just right. I enjoyed fighting with him. I enjoyed who he was. I just wanted him to use his brain more, not change who he was. I wanted my mate back. The one I first met. I wanted him being his possessive Alpha male self, even though it ticked me off. I didn’t like this flirty and go with the flow new one.

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