Chapter Four

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The sun shone in my window landing directly on my face as I groaned out of frustration. For the past week I've refused to get up and go to school and my father was getting annoyed with my behaviour. I didn't blame him for it either, but I just couldn't bring myself to go and deal with the wrath that girl was bound to bring down upon me. The truth be told, I felt terrible about being there and helping to give that boy a beating. That in itself was scary. I hadn't felt terrible about anything since turning eighteen. It had only been anger until now. 

I still don't know what possessed me to give into such childish behaviour and I was embarrassed to go back and face that girl. For reasons I could explain she could make me feel things. My wolf hadn't told me that she was my mate but yet I could feel as if she were. I wasn't the only one either. Greg had come by and had mentioned unintentionally how bad he felt about disappointing me; he'd even gone do far as to say he'd avoid beating up Liam from now on. The part that had made it hit home for me was the fact that there were tears in his eyes as he'd said so. He'd truly felt remorseful for his actions and I wondered what had brought this about. It had to be her. She was the only thing new in this town. But before I could ask after his ability to feel emotions he'd left.

Today I had no choice but to go to school. My father had lain down the Alpha's law and commanded that I obey it. So as much as I didn't want to get out of bed I had no choice but to do so. I ran my hands over my face trying to rub off the sleep I was still feeling as I looked up at my ceiling. I'd dreamt of her again. My mate. But I still was no closer to finding her then before. All my dreams ever gave me were her eyes. I didn't know what she looked like or her name even. We never spoke in my dreams we just looked into each other’s eyes as my wolf shouted over and over again "She's mine. Claim her now." I felt like I should already know who she was. Like she was right under my nose and I was missing the signs.

I rolled out of bed making my way to the bathroom to get a move on my morning routine. I'd have to face that nameless girl again. Even Greg still hadn't a clue to what her name was and he'd even had the chance to speak with her during the phys ed class I'd skipped out on a week ago. From what he'd told me of that discussion she was determined to hold a grudge on us for our actions and looking at it from her point of view I had to agree. Our behaviour was unforgivable. Even though I hadn't been the one to throw the punches I had been the one to hold him still to receive them. It was just my luck that I found someone who attracted me and yet wasn't my mate and she'd have a determination to hate my guts.

My wolf whimpered within me as my thoughts drifted down this depression path. He wanted her acceptance and her help. He felt that we all would need it and he was determined to make it up to her. He more than my human side needed her forgiveness. I was a little freaked out about this seeing as he'd been the one to keep me at a distance from the humans of our town. Then again she wasn't exactly human now was she? Human girls did not have such a strong current of magic energy running through their blood when they were angry.

I turned on the shower and stripped down as I stared into the bathroom mirror at my blue eyes. The centers of them glowing and a frown on my tanned face. She got inside me somehow and changed things up. I felt different. The fact that I could feel without my mate being by my side to begin with was different, but now my wolf wanted this girl’s forgiveness. He wanted her friendship and help and he wouldn't tell me why. It's not that I was against it exactly but I didn't understand it and I wasn't about to bring it up to discuss with my father. I'd just deal with whatever came my way.

Sighing I turned and got into my shower welcoming the warm water as it cascaded down my muscular body. My eyes closed as I tried to will my thoughts away and relax before having to confront the unknown when I made it to school. A knock sounding at the door had me snapping my reply harsher then I normally would've. I hated being disturbed from my morning routines and today was no exception. "WHAT?"

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