Chapter Three

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I sighed as I looked over to where Liam sat on the nurses table. His lip cut up a bit and his left eye had bruise quickly appearing and was already swelling. I felt sick with anger at how cruel those two boys were being. I don't know how anyone could treat someone that way, let alone a boy who was half their size and not even trying to fight back. I mean what was that. 

Liam was sitting there silently as the nurse looked him over and cleaned up his cut. His eyes looking down into his lap as he sat in thought. He looked hurt and broken and being new to having friends in the first place I wasn't quite sure how to comfort him. I watched as he quickly swiped away the tear that had fallen from his eye and bit down on his bottom lip wincing as his teeth came in contact with his cut. I frowned looking at my friend in his moments of broken weakness. If I hadn't been so concerned about him I'd have given those two what they deserved and made them regret ever having laid a finger upon Liam. 

He glanced up at me for a second and then allowed his eyes to roam everywhere else. I could tell he didn't want to look at me. That he felt shamed at how easily they beat him up. I knew he blamed himself for their actions but it wasn't his fault. They were the corrupted bastards that did it and would get what was coming to them. He didn't deserve to be treated like dirt just because of his sexuality.

"It's not your fault you know." I said quietly to him watching him for some sort of reaction. 

"I know that. But if I wasn't gay they'd leave me alone." He muttered quietly. 

"Okay... but even that isn't your fault. You can't control who you’re attracted to anymore than the rest of us. I'm not even so sure it's because you’re gay. I honestly think there's more to it."  I said some of my anger coming out and causing him to look at me. "Don't beat yourself up about it. I promise you they're gonna get what they deserve."

"Just leave it alone. Okay?" He said the sadness still in his eyes. "You don't need to become involved. I'd hate if something happened to you as a result." 

"Nothing is going to happen to me Liam. I'm as close to untouchable as possible. I have like a sixth sense or something." I said as I stood up and walked closer to him placing my hand on his arm. "I really hate when people I care about end up hurt. I'm going to put a stop to that nonsense if it's the last thing I ever do." 

"You don't get it Lady. They aren't normal. They'll rip you to shreds for the world to see just out of spite. I don't want you to hate me when it happens. It'll be easier to just avoid them." He said looking away as tears came into his eyes again. "Besides it’s my fault for telling Greg how I felt about him in the first place. I should've kept it to myself. If I hadn't told him then my life would go on the way it was and everything would be perfect." 

I stared at him for a while. The anger within myself being controlled by the smallest thread. The fact that he could sit there and blame himself for this was just ridiculous. He was the innocent one. So what if he was crushing on a jock. It took some bravery to make it known to him. I was incredibly sad at the fact that he accepted it like it was expected. Like he deserved to be treated the way that they were treating him. I hated how cruel some people would be. 

"I'm not afraid of them Liam. They're just jocks. It's not like they can do anything that won't get them into big trouble. Hiding will get you nowhere. It won't solve the problem and I get that you don't want to deal with it but some things you just can't ignore. This being one of them. You need to fight back Liam. You need to stand up to them and prove to them your stronger then they give you credit for." I smiled a small smile. "You've got strength in you. A massive amount of it actually and your far from being the weak boy you think you are. Next time they hit you Liam, hit them back." 

Forever (Book 1) (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें