Reader x Jean: Take Me Back

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Second part of Reader x Jean: Cheat. Yes, you Trainees read it right, there is a second part, as most of you requested.
Trigger warning also.


It has been three years since you broke up with Jean. To be honest, the first year was tough but your best friend was always there to comfort you. Even went as far as to go to therapy with you. You really didn't handle the break up pretty well so you had to take therapy.

Your therapist had told you to forget about Jean, which was hard because he kept running through your head 24/7. At one point in time, he had appeared at your house, with a grim expression. You still allowed him inside and you both hung out, just like when you were friends.

Jean didn't apologize, though. You were thankful for that. You really couldn't handle rejecting people, it wasn't like you.

These visits soon turned daily, and you found yourself laughing at Jean's jokes. You both seemed happy and contented with each other's company. Like nothing had happened between you both.

You and Jean were now the best of friends, but the past of being lovers didn't cross your minds. There was no need for negativity for this friendship. You and Jean were finally happy for once. And this little part of you wanted to be his once more.

But all good things come to an end, at an unexpected time. Jean stopped visiting one day, and you thought he might be busy with work. But for the next few weeks, Jean didn't show up.

You have contacted his current girlfriend, the same cheerleader, but she told you (and has forgiven you) that Jean hadn't come home since he stopped visiting you. She also said that they broke up through text. The girl didn't mind though, and has apologized for ruining something beautiful that you and Jean had.

You talked to his roommate, Marco. But he told you that Jean hasn't been around for the past few weeks.
You suddenly got a ding in your mind as you made your way to the olace which was special for you and Jean.

Up the hill, to where a single picnic table was found resting under the cozy shade of a large tree. This was where you met Jean and where he had asked you out. This place held a special part in your heart.

But said man was nowhere to be seen. You sat down on the table and whimpered, worry washing throughout your system of nerves. Then you suddenly noticed two familiar hand sewn dolls, and letters.

They were from you. One letter was from Jean though. You opened his letter and tried to read out words.

To my Dearest (y/n),

It's been three years, clearly. I can see how much pain is there painted on your face. And I cry myself to sleep because I was the reason why you suffered those pain.
I know you can never be mine again. But I still love you. The dolls you made that I gave away found a way to get back to me. The kid knew I needed them more. And when I held those dolls, I rushed to the trash bin and fished out the letter you wrote. It was the last thing I'll ever get from you. No more warm hugs, cute kisses and especially smiles that make my day.

But the heavens above granted me an opportunity to be by your side again. It wasn't as a lover, though. But I was able to see you smile once more, that was good enough for me.

You mean so much to me, (y/n). More than anyone I've known and love, more than how the sun lightens our days, more than the stars in the night sky, more than the living forms in land and in the ocean, more than myself. You know how greedy I was, and I wanted you to be my once more.

I can't have that, I know I can't. You wouldn't like that, now would you? (y/n), I love you. And I found a way to stop my greedy self from locking you away and keeping you for myself forever.

I know you'd come to this place, please don't look for me no longer. The paper seems a bit crispy since I couldn't stop crying while writing this. No one will know what had happened to me, unless you tell them. (y/n), when you are reading this, I'm gone now. I'll take it away, I'll leave because the pain is just too much. I couldn't handle it.

(y/n)...(y/n)... How I love the sound of your name, how it's spelled and how I speak it, because it completes you. And the only person I'll ever love, my first and last, is (y/n). I love you, please don't forget that.

Even though I am no longer lingering on this land, I'll always be watching you, I'm contented with seeing you happy from afar. If you are happy, I am happy.

I love you, so much that the whole universe cannot withstand it,
Jean Kirstein

You couldn't remember when you started crying, but you know it wouldn't stop. The salty tears kept dripping and dripping, until his words finally sank in. You began to sob loudly, clutching the paper close to your heart. You cried for Jean but it was useless, he's gone, that's it.

"Take us back...! P-please...!" You sobbed, "Jean, please...! I-I still you too!! PLEASE!"

The rain drowned your sobs as thunder errupted, you continued weeping until your body had given away.

Maybe you could go after Jean...?

Is this sadistic? I dunno...





Requests are on the verge of being accepted...

Until then, be Humanity's Hope, Trainees,

Sylvia-Danchou is out, peace!

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