2. Remember

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Jungkook's POV

The pathway to the beach is deserted. I can see couples scattered along the beach leaning against each other watching the sunset. I take off my sandals and feel the warmth of the sand between my toes. There is no other feeling like this. Its freeing, my toes are happy and I can feel the stress seep out of my body. It's summer so the sand is cozy warm and this makes me ecstatic.

I like to think myself simple. I love to watch the sky and what's more, I love the sunset, the moon and the stars. There is something about lights. Golden lights...

It's my last day before I head to Seoul for my new job. My new adventure. I have been there a couple of times but just to visit friends and family. Busan is where my heart is. It has been kind to me these past few years but, it was time to start a new. I was leaving the comfort and warmth of home to start over and challenge myself.

I decided to work in my family business for at least two years after finishing my Master's in IT with major focus in software development because I wanted to help my dad's business stabilize. He had just retired - early retirement- and having worked for the past 30 years, he couldn't picture himself staying at home doing nothing. My dad is what I would call a busy body. So, he decided to venture into business.

I had one of those dads that people often called "hot dad". Even though he held a well paying government job and was stuck behind a desk for most of the day, my dad never fell into the stereotypical out of shape boring middle aged males with beer bellies, fading hairlines, terrible moustaches and an alcohol problem - often associated with government workers. My dad took pride in how he looked and his health. He always said that being a single parent, he needed to be around long enough to see me succeed in life so his health was a priority.

He was an extremely handsome man with eyes that twinkled with untold jokes and broad shoulders with a height to match. His voice was deep, warm and comforting. On many of my childhood nights, it chased the ghosts and monsters in my nightmares away. And he had the warmest of hugs - in his arms, I found solace and comfort anytime I needed a friend. He was brave, determined and hardworking but totally oblivious of just how good he looked. I would attribute this to the fact that I was his one and only focus - everything else was secondary - including relationships. For his age, he was well built, lean and curved like a Greek god.

"Doing nothing makes me want to blow my brains out," he voiced out to me one evening one week into his retirement. He was a man of action, so willing away time seated around with no goals to accomplish was absolute torture.

"You shouldn't have retired early then," I sassed.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," he said with a child like chuckle. For a big man, my dad had a child like demeanour at times and it was a breathe of fresh air.

When he pitched the idea of starting a business one evening over dinner, I jumped at the opportunity to help him bring his vision to life.

Not to brag but, we were financially well off. With the kind of job my father had, we had more than enough but he was a humble man who never liked to show off. He knew what it was to lack, so he had impeccable financial discipline. If someone were looking from a far, they would think of us as any other middle class family with just enough to get by because we lived in the humblest of neighborhoods and worked with what was enough.

"Just because you have it doesn't mean you get to uselessly use it," he admonished me once when I was being a brat and demanding for things that weren't really beneficial.

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