Ice Skating with You

Start from the beginning

"Германия Come back-" He hear a long sad cry across the ice, looking up to see his huge boyfriend standing dejectedly with his hands slightly outstretched to his direction as his legs locked in a seemingly uncomfortable position to keep him from moving.

Germany sighed, and grinned, faking sadness. "Fineee..." He slowly skated over, hanging his arms limply at his side to act like he was disappointed or sad, but his face still held his bright grin. Russia breathed a sigh of relief as his lovely boyfriend came back, and threw his strong arms around him for support, giving him a tight hug and burying his half-covered face in his shoulder.

"Don't abandon me again..." The bigger country mumbled sadly into the thick padded cloth of Germany's navy blue outer-coat, making him giggle again as he patted his back comfortingly. "Alright alright I wouldn't." He said, pushing him gently away and holding on to his gloved hands. Russia smiled faintly back, getting tiredly from using his core strength so much just to keep upright, until suddenly his whole body started curving to the right, and felt Germany's grip on his hands tightened up.

"Uhh Германия. What are you- no-" He said warningly, feeling dread rise up his chest as they began to turn, their hands connecting them and giving both balance and momentum to keep going. "Германия no, don't you dare spin me no don't-" Russia said frantically, trying to find purchase on the smooth ice and stop their spinning. Germany's face broke out in a huge grin, a huge positively evil grin as he looked at the overreacting country griping firmer on his gloves.

"Germany!!" Rusia screeched as they turned faster, holding on to his lover's hands for dear life. The smaller country was literally cackling as he spin both of them around, getting faster and faster with each spin and push of his foot. The two of them went round and round on the ice, craving white lines into the surface with their shoes's blades.

Russia's knees had bended down halfway, weak in terror. Germany was doing all the work, and finally after hearing enough of Russia's screeching slowly put them to a stop, spinning one final time before stopping completely. Well he stopped completely anyway, Russia was looking quite shaky. 

"...W-why-" He sputtered jokingly, taking a few breaths that reappeared in clouds of white in the frosty air. Germany let out a breathy giggle, still keeping a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "That was fun." He said, looking brightly at Russia, who was bent over with his hands on his shaky knees.

"...yeah..." He chuckled back tiredly, how could he resist that beautiful smile, one that warmed him up almost immediately. Germany looked down concernedly at him, and let go of his shoulder to give him a bit of space. Russia immediately straighten up again, holding his tired hand out to him. "W-wait." He puffed, still catching his breath.

"What is it?" Germany asked softly. "Please...please would you hold my hand? I'm......scared." Russia tried to crack a joking grin, but his cold teeth that were somehow chattering despite the temperature still being positive and pale in comparison to Moscow's winter temperature. His gloved hand still stood in the small gap between them, facing upward to receive a hand.

Germany smiled, his face heating up effectively as he fitting his right hand snugly in his boyfriend's, and helped him stand straight up again and lean slightly on him. "Of course, maybe we should go warm up now too, it's getting cold." He said, moving even closer to eliminate the gap between their bodies and press into Russia's coat. 

Russia smiled, and moved to adjust Germany's scarf to cover his nose and mouth properly, brushing his flushed red cheeks with his gloved thumb. "Sure. Hot chocolate?" Germany nodded happily, and pushed off the ice gently, pulling his lover with him as they gliding peacefully in each other's embrace towards the edge of the pond.

With Germany's support, Russia even managed to push off on his own, getting a warm, sweet smile and a gentle squeeze of his hand. He smiled, this was nice. 


About a thousand and two hundred words. EHhhh I'd say that's not too bad.

pwease tell me how i did UwO Votes n comments are wunderbar und forever appreciated

The ending flopped but I was too bothered to care so just take it- 

(and forgive the mistakes if there is any I wrote this in like half an hour or less-)

In fact now that I'm reading the whole thing through again this is just a pile of cr*p But I'm too tired to care and correct it so here have it as it is-

((Sorry for the attitude. exams today wore me out a little >///< ))

This was based off a dialogue prompt from Google. So not original but saves me time to think for a story plot. I see this as an absolute win-

I might do this for the next few months. Just pop up randomly with a short fic based of other prompts off Goog's or tumblr. It'll be short but hopefully satisfying, thats my attempting motto.

So beware there might be more smut just saying as a precaution-

OKie I'm going now don't wanna spend too much time off my school books byeee :3

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