Chapter 37

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-Christmas Morning, 9:00 am-

"Tori! Niall! Wake up! Wake up!" I was woken up by a little girl who was pulling the covers off of Niall and I "Wake up! Santa came! Santa came!"

I turned over, the sunlight shining in my eyes turning me blind for a few seconds. I heard a quiet deep groan from beind me and Niall's arm wrapped around me and he hid his face in my neck.

"Happy Christmas, Love.."He said in his morning voice which let me tell you, was the hottest damn thing.

Before I could say anything the covers were ripped off and there was a thump on the ground. I sat up along with Niall to see the covers over Aubrey's head. She huffed and struggled to push them off, eventually doing so.

"Santa came!"She said louder than before. She stood up running over to us and grabbing my hand and dragging me.

"Up!Up!"She exclaimed, determined to get us out of bed. Her light brown curls were messy but still bouncing, her hazel eyes were bright and wide.

"Okay Aubrey! We'll be right down!" I said laughing.

She let go, giggling and then nodded "You better!" She commanded, running out the room and down the steps. I rolled my eyes, smiling.

I fell back down onto my pillow,shutting my eyes and still smiling. "Merry Christmas,Hon"I said to Niall. I heard him chuckle and he pecked my lips. I pecked his back.

We laid there, fully awake, his head on my pillow, right next to my ear. I could hear him exhale.It was so soothing and calm..

I wanted to stay here..I don't care if my toes were freezing. He was with me.

"Ni, we gotta get up or they'll bring out the air horns.."I said quietly, almost in a whisper.

"Air horns?"He asked obviously alarmed and I laughed a bit.

You see, if you aren't up by 9:30 a.m at my house on Christmas day, you'll be blasted with an air horn..It's annoying but quite funny. Plus, church starts at 11.

"Just- Get up."I smiled, sitting up and streching with my arms in the air, one behind my back and one like the statue of liberty.

He sat and up and twisted his neck. Groaning relieved of the crack it made. It made me cringe. God.

I flung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up but I was stopped by being picked up and thrown over Nialls' shoulder with one strong arm. I laughed and he walked out of the room without of the problem.

I knew I wasn't heavy..For god's sake I was bulimic for half my life and I have fast metabolism
. I wasn't a big girl (Authors Note- This is no offense to big girls. I'm big too...Big is Beautiful baby. (: )

As he walked down the stairs, I could hear my family's voices. Happy and loud. Too loud for 9:15..

"Happy Christmas!" Niall greeted them and they all greeted us with 'Merry Christmas' and 'Good Morning!'

Niall set me down on couch and sat next to me and Joeseph.

He looked at Niall and me then smiled and turned back to the little girls in the middle of the room. Everyone had gifts infront of them. I had like 6, Mom and 3, Grandma had 2, Papa had 2, Aubrey had like 15,Emilyhad like 15 too, Liv had at least 10, Neal had 4, Christopher had about 5, and Niall had 2..

One from me and then..I think my mom bought him something.

-30 minutes later-

Okay wow. Everyone opened their gifts. Emily and Aubrey had gotten a whole bunch of toys, Olivia got the new One Direction CD 'Four' and a whole bunch of gift cards, Grandma and Papa got mugs and best grandparents shirts (cheesy lol ) , Neal had gotten a new pack of drum sticksfrom the girls and I , Christopher got new clothes, and Niall got a chain necklace that said 'Welcome To The Family ♥' in pretty letters and then the gift from me.As soon as he put the necklace on and thanked my mom with a genuine smile on he looked at me.

"Am I allowed to open the gift?" He asked holding it up and I rolled my eyes, smilingand nodding.

"Yeah stupid." I said

He open the gift gently, I rolled my eyes again. God this boy.

Once he got the wrapping paper there was a velvetish box kind of and he opened it and pulled out a bracelet with a oven charm. He read the charm out loud,smiling " Tori ♥'s Niall - 10.14.14. " Everyone looked at me, smiling. I giggled blushing.

"There's- uh- one more thing.. it's really cheesy but it reminded me of you.."I said and he looked in the box again and pulled out a little pink guitar pick that said 'I pick you ♥ T+N'

He was grinning, "Hey, you know, cheesy is my type."He said putting the pick in the box and slipping the bracelet on. He hugged me and I giggled, hugging back.

I had already opened my first 5 gifts but Niall wouldn't let me open the one he got me. He pulled away from me

"Alright now your turn, open yours."He said and I smiled picking up the rectangualr box. I unwrapped it and opened the little velvet and immediatley grinned. It was a charm necklace with a heart with our intials engraved into it, a microphone, a bow, a wing, and a small american flag.

I smiled at him. "It;s amazing.."I said putting it onand fixing the charms. I hugged him and smiled again knowing Joeseph helped him. I kissed Nialls' cheek and giggled.

Best Christmas.Everso far.


Wow, Thats surprisingly short considering it took me an hour and a half.... .-. what thehell.. So, like um...yeah. haha I hope you liked it and I got the gift ideas from my friend Miranda..Also, In the next chapter they will be going back to England sadly ;'(

So yeah :)

Stay lovely ;)

-Chloe :)

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