Chapter 33

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Okay, maybe I did fall asleep in the what? Snow is soft.

Right now, I was at Morgans and it was 10 p.m.

Niall decided to stay home and learn more about American football with the guys in the house

"So, you're dating Niall Horan?" She asked shoving pizza in her mouth.

Morgan had dirty blonde/light brown hair, her eyes were hazel but they changed, she is short, medium sized and loud.

"I am dating Niall Horan."I said picking up another piece of pizza.

We were sitting on the floor of her one bedroom apartment in front of a television.

"Is he hot up close?"She asked and I laughed.

"Super hot."

We both ate some of our pizza

Ive been here since 2 o clock. We've watched netflix, talked to her next door neighbor, watched t.v, eaten pizza, played wii and ate candy.

Just like old times.

"You're not going back are you?"She asked suddenly and I stared at her

"I have to.. I still have school." I laughed and she looked serious

"Why can't you go to Ohio State like you always wanted too?"She asked and I rolled my eyes, thinking this was a joke.

"Because, I got accepted into Cambridge first Morgan and I have friends and a boyfriend in England.I can't just leave"I said getting defensive.

Morgan and I are best friends...but all best friends fight and we fought a lot.

"Well why not? You have family here!"She said raising her voice

"What is this even about? I know it's not about me living in the U.K ! It's obviously something else!"I rose my voice

"Well maybe other people miss you...maybe other people just want you to come the fuck home."She said quietly, looking down

I just shook my head and stood up.

"Maybe I don't want to come home."

And that was that.

I hugged her, left the apartment and drove home.




"GO GO GO!" The guys (including Niall) yelled at the television screen.

There were 10 seconds left and the Browns were in the lead. 31- 26. We were up against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Fucking pricks.(Note: I am not trying to offend anyone. Please do not report me for having an opinion. Thank you)

But anyways, 7 seconds left and Hoyer was sprinting to the goal with the ball. He was on the 70 yard line.

"GOSH DAMMIT WILL YOU RUN FASTER!"Neal yelled stomping his foot.

"Dude, chill the fuck out. We're winning"I said laughing at their anger.

"Yea daddy chill out."Aubrey giggled. Emily was in grandmas arms.

Out of no where they all jumped up, spilling popcorn everywhere


Mom came in with her oxygen tank trailing behind. I remeber I used to sing a little song I made up..

Cancer Cancer
Go away
No one wants you
Please dont stay

She's such a strong woman .

"Keep it down! Emily is asleep!"she scolded them

A bunch of Sorry sweethearts and sorry aunties and sorry miss dawns echoed in the room.

"Yay brownes!"Aubrey yelled giggling.

Everyone laughed and Neal picked her up.

"Yes sweetypie! Now can you say Only Wussies wave yellow towels?"He said and grandma slapped upside the head.

"Now child stop teachin' her bad stuff before she gets a sailors mouth like yer' grandaddy!"She said as he rubbed his head.

"Only pussies wave yello' towels!"Aubrey said. That sent mw off edge. I died. God. Everyone was on the floor laughing.

"Okay Aubrey, honey, its bedtime. Come on." Neal said standing up.

"No daddy! I wanna watch football!"she whined.

"Sweetpea.."He said and she whined again.

"Can Tori sing to me? Pwease?"She asked and I giggled.

"Yea, sure honey."I stood up taking her from him.

I walked up stairs and into where her little bed was. I laid her in it and tucked her in.

"Sing! Sing!"she chanted and I laughed.

"Alright, calm down..."I said and she nodded and waited for me to start.

"Hush little baby don't say a word
Mamas gonna but you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird wont sing
Mamas gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mamas gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke
Mamas gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat wont pull
Mamas gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over
Mamas gonna buy you a dog named rover

And if that dog named rover wont bark
Mamas gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down
You'll still be the sweetest baby in town."

I finished the lullabye my mom used to sing to me...and when I looked Aubrey she was asleep. I smiled and kissed her forehead

"Night gorgeous.."I whispered and stood up. I turned around and saw Niall in the doorway smiling.

"That..that was the sweetest thing ever."he said and I laughed quietly.

"Lets go to bed, stupid"I smiled, hugging him and pushing him toward the room





Okay, that really did just happen. My baby cousin is here and my cousin ( her dad) saw me and he faked a tear and said that.

Im happy. Well, I have to go cook.

I love you guys :*

Stay gorgeous;)


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