Chapter 28

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"So, you're part of that boyband.. One Direction?"Tori's Cousin, Neal, asked and I nodded. He smiled and pointed upstairs. "My eldest daughter Olivia loves you guys." He said and I grinned.

"Thats amazing."I said and he chuckled.

"Dad! Do you know where my charger is? Jess is texting me and she needs the algebra homework." A girls voice called down the stairs.

"There she is now,"He said and I chuckled

"LIV COME DOWNSTAIRS! JESS CAN WAIT!" Tori yelled running in the room almost slipping on the wood floor.

"Kay!" Olivia called and you could hear footsteps jogging down the stairs.

When she got downstairs and I saw her, she looked just like Tori but with blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was tall and normal sized.

"What?"She asked looking around. She did a double tale when she saw me. I waved slightly and she stood there wide eyed.

"Liv..I want you to meet Niall, my-" She cut Tori off. "Boyfriend. Oh freakin god! I thought it was a hell of a lie! Oh my god! Is he staying? He's staying right?!"She fangirled.

The only thing that caught me off gaurd was what she said. How did she know?

Obviously, no one caught on and they all laughed.

"Yes, he's staying. You can hug him if you want. Just don't like..steal his shirt or shoe or anything."Tori giggled and I smiled. I stood up and opened my arms to Olivia.

Olivia giggled and hugged me tight. I hugged back. She was up to my ear. Geez, she's tall.

She let go and giggled again. "God. Youre like way more goregous in person- I mean beautiful- handsome- hot-" She stumbled over her words, blushing.

I chuckled and Tori rolled her eyes. "Okay cutesie. He's mine. Back off."She said grabbing her cousin and holding her in a hug.

Neal put his arm around my shoulder, chuckling "You'll fit in just fine here Niall."He said and I laughed.

3 hours later

We had just finished eating and the Christmas movies were on. Right now, it was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban.

Tori was in my lap, Joeseph was next to me, Miss Dawn was on the other side, the children were on the floor and Grandma Linda and Papa Rick were in recliners. Neal had gone to go get something from the store.

"Yknow, Sirius cool as hell."Tori said with popcorn in her mouth.

Before anyone could say anything the front door unlocked and opened.

Everyone just ignored it.

We thought it was Neal and it was. But someone was with him.

"Hello family..I'm home."An unfamiliar voice said and Tori froze solid.


"Hello family..I'm home." Was all I heard. That voice. That cold voice. I froze and looked over to the door just to see him

"No.."I mumbled, standing up quickly "No!"

"Tori, listen-"Mom started but I was already half way up the stairs. Niall right behind me.

I ran to my old bedroom and shut the door quickly. I already felt myself have tears in my eyes.I fellnto my knees at the edge of my bed.

Nononono.No. This is a nightmare.  Wake up! Wake up Victoria.

I started pinching myself thinking it was a nightmare. I sobbed.


I heard the door open and close and then someone picked me up and held me. Not saying a word. Just holding me and kissing the top of my head.

After about five minutes of my quiet sobbing and silence I spoke up.

"Thats my brother..he's home..he's b-back" I stuttered quietly. I heard him sigh.

"'s alright..I'm here. I won't let him hurt you"Niall whispered "I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm around okay?"

I nodded still hiccupping.

What am I going to do?..



Thats it for this chapter! It was so moody. Like omfg.

So, ive learned that I update better on the bus. I get so many ideas on the bus like no joke omfg

So, yea I love you guys <3

Stay beautiful :)


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