Chapter 48

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48.8 billion tears are shed each day. 341.2 billion each week. 17,812 billion each year. All throughout the world people are crying. Whether it's from a breakup, a movie, a book, a death etc. It's still crying.

I am one of those people shedding tears.

Everyone has a need to cry sometimes,  even the toughest human being in the world cries sometimes. Does it really matter what for though?

Hell, I'd cry over it being dark, but sadly that's not what I am crying over.

The man who had been stalking me was caught trying to break into my dorm room. My old dorm room.

You may be thinking, Why are you crying then?  Or That's a really silly reason to cry. Lol.

I'm glad he was caught, believe me, I am. It's what he said when he was arrested, "He'll still get you! You've made a huge mistake Victoria! ". That's what he screamed as he was dragged into the cop car.

I have now been sitting in the bathroom in Nialls room for four hours, crying on and off.

Everyone knows I'm in here, they've tried getting me to come out for the same exact four hours.

I sniffle and check my phone. 4% battery. 2:06 in the morning.

I rub my overly puffy eyes, they make me look ten times old considering my makeup is smeared everywhere, like the Wicked Witch of the West. I feel like her.

I stand up from the back of the bathroom door and unlock the door, opening it.

I peak out and see Nialls bedside light was on.  His tv was turned onto Family Guy.

My gaze shifts to the body that just slightly moved, it's Niall. He still had on his black skinny jeans and white shirt that had a half naked girl with a panda head on it. His shoes were on and he was sprawled out.

I sigh and walk over to him. I carefully take his shoes off, setting them on his floor. I then climb on to the bed and immediately cling onto him.

I close my eyes and my breathing starts to slow down. My grip on Niall loosens up a bit and right before I go to sleep, "Good Night Princess" from Niall and then I was lost in a sea of dreams.


Welp there you go.

I am officially devoting my life to becoming an architect and building a fangirl school. No its ands or buts.
Who wants to help?

Stay Lovely;)


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