Chapter 32

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I slipped on a jacket and my boots and walked outside, where it was snowing.  I pulled out my phone and dialed Morgans number.

It rang

And rang

And rang.

Until finally she answered "Hello?" . She sounded like her old self.

She's from the south originally. We met online and then she ran away from home and ended up at my house.

Fun right?

"Morgan?" I said quite loudly. I heard a plate crash and then a dog bark and then her gasping.

"DAMMIT DIVA!," She shouted and then was talking to me "this is she. How may I help you?"

"Its Tori"I said, then she squealed.. whoa

"OH MY GOD SWEETHEART! How are you?God, I've missed you. So, we hangin' out? Mama Dawn says you gotta a boyfriend. Wee need to catch up. Okay? Meet me at my place at like five."She said rather quickly. Her voice was so drawn to the southern texture it was unbelievable.

I laughed and nodded as if she were here. "Alright, where do you live now?"I asked, kicking some snow.

"6532 West River Rd. In Parma."She said and I took mental notee.

" Alright Hon, see ya later."I said and she giggled

"Ight, see you."She said with something obviously in her mouth.

I smiled and hung up. I looked around, put my phone in my pocket and sat in the middle of the backyard.

I laid down and closed my eyes.

"Comw on sweetpea, it's getting late!" Daddy said picking me up off the snowy white ground.

"But daddy! I don't wanna! I like it out here!" I argued, giggling at him throwing me over his shoulder.

"But I don't want my princess getting a cold! The kingdom may go haywire!"He exclaimed making me laugh and walking Into the house.

"I love you daddy."I said hugging him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you too Sweetpea." -


Its short but sweetish. Im tired...I've been over a friends house and im exhausted.

Well, i love you guys

Stay gorgeous;)


Truth or  Dare ( Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن