Chapter 22

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I dont even remember falling asleep. All I know is that I woke up and the plane lights were off. Everyone seemed to be sleeping. There were few of them reading or whispering quietly.

I looked over at my slumbering boyfriend. His hair was ruffled and his mouth was slightly open. His head was leaning on his shoulder. He had a white hoodie on with black jeans.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. I smiled to myself and laid my head back again, closing my eyes for a second.

Then I had to pee.

I hate peeing in planes. It terrifies the hell outta me but since I had to go really bad, I groaned quietly and stood.

I walked out into the aisle slowly. I walked to the end of it and went into the bathroom. I closed the door and put the status to occupied.

I let out a deep breath and pulled down my pants and stuff. I sat down and went.

I don't like peeing on aircrafts because one, i'm 10, 000 feet in the air and two, small spaces.

Usually, I'm fine with them but you know, this small of a space is absurd. Its the size of a highschool bathroom stall.

I finished, wiped, pulled up my stuff and washed my hands. I looked into the little mirror. I moved my hair over and look at the tattoo on my shoulder blade. It was a heart with an american flag design. It was a reminder of my dad... right above my heart.

Jojo thinks it's cheesy but I dont. I like it. I have exactly 3 tattoos. One behind my ear, one on my shoulder blade and one on my side. All hidden from my mom. I got them when I was 16 so, she couldn't find out.

I found myself just staring at my reflection and a knocking at the door put me out of the trance. "One minute!" I whisper shouted

I turned to the door and opened it to see a little girl. She was at least 6. She was rubbing her eyes and I smiled at her. "Escuse me," she said pronouncing her 'ex' as 'es' "Can I go potty?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.I moved out of her way.

She walked in and closed the door with a tired 'thank you'.

I walked back to our seats and saw Niall rubbing his eyes. I smiled and sat back down next to him. He shook his head and pushed the elbow thingy up and pulled me over to him.I giggled a little and laid my head on his chest.

"Where did you go?" He asked in a really hot sleepy voice. Like omg.

"Had to go to the bathroom.." I whispered as he nodded . His grip kind of clenched and unclenched me.

I didnt hear another word from him again. His breathing slowed and his grip got loose too.

Right before I was about to sleep, the little girl came walking down the aisle. She stopped at my chair and smiled at me. She waved and I waved back

"Sissy likes the ban that boy is en,"She said in a little cute voice "He is really pwetty. Is he your boyfwend?" She asked and I smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, he is. Whats you name honey?"I asked nicely and she yawned "Sadie...whats youres?"She asked and I smiled again at her tiredness

"My name is Tori...nice to meet you sadie.. now, you look tired. Go ahead and get sleep."I said and she smiled and nodded.

"Okay bye bye!"she said prancing away.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on niall. 'What a cutie"  I thought and then fell asleep.



Finally, anotger chapter. It was more of a filler though.  Oh well.

You know what? Ive decided school is for dildos..

Im not going anymore. Its full of bitches and douches. Ugh.

Well, I have to go...

I love you guys!!!!

And ttt hanks you for reading!

- Chloe :)

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