Chapter 53

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I don't know what to think. No. Wait. I do. It hurts to think it but...I have to..

I have to do what the guy said. If I don't, everyone will be gone.

They'll be gone either way, but this is better than death.

I already know who to go to..

After I recollect myself and I'm sure I won't burst into tears right as they ask me who it was on the phone, I walk back into the house with a smile plastered on my face.

"Who was it babe?"Niall asked, after swallowing yet another brownie.

"It was just Luis. He needs me at the Cafè for some help. I'm gonna go help him."I pick up the keys that are on the coffee table "I'll be home around 4:30."

"No wait-"Maddy stands up "don't you want someone to go with you? Like, you know, me?"She suggests and I shake my head

"No, stay here. I'll  be back. I swear." I say, faking a laugh. I'm surprised it didn't come out as a sob.




Later, I walk into the cafè. My hoodie was soaking wet because of the rain. Luis is at the counter, hair groomed as always.

"Luis.."I say quietly. I was crying in the car so my throat is soar now. My face is probably blotchy and stained too.

Luis looked up smiling but it soon disappeared when he saw me in this condition.

"Tori? Oh sweetie, come here.. what's the matter?"He asks, walking over to me with his arms out.

When he hugged me I started crying again. I don't want to do this. What did I do to deserve this?

"Did Niall break up with you? If he did, I swear to Papa-"He started, but I shook my head violently.

"No...No, Niall didn't d-do anything..."I hiccup , wiping my eyes on my still soaking hoodie.

"Then what's the problem?"He asks, looking sincerely concerned.

I start explaining everything, the man, the guns, the threat. Luis listened, nodding his head at every other end of a sentence. 

Then I finished.

"So, what you're saying that you need to go to a different country..and never come back? No communications with anyone you ever loved,  not even your family? All because a guy is a huge fucking dick?"He hands me a cup of tea at the counter "I don't know Tor.."

"Luis please.. I really need your help.." I beg after sipping my tea.

Luis sighs and looks at me ad if he's thinking about it. He started biting his lip and tongue and after a good long two minutes he finally made a decision.

"Okay, listen I'll help you. Under one condition. "He says, moving his hand through his hair.

"Anything."I say, sitting up in my chair and biting my lip

"I'll send you to Italy to live in my old apartment only if you make sure to check up with me every two weeks, so I know you're okay."He says and I nod quickly

"Okay- yeah- I can do it." I smile sadly "Thank you so much Luis.. nothing adds up to how much gratitude I have for you.."I say, hugging him tightly. He hugs back.

"It's really no problem honey.."He rubs my back and pulls away "I'll see when the closet plane ticket is, alright?"

I nod and blink away the tears in my eyes "Okay.."I say and look at the time on my watch. Noticing it's 4:30 and it's an hour drive back home.

"I have to go..I told them I'd be home soon.."I say with a hiccup

"Okay Tor, I'll text you when the plane goes to Italy okay?" He asks and I nod

"Alright."I say, kisssing him on the cheek and then leaving








I don't like this chapter.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed.
Because I didn't.

So like

Stay Fab;)


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