Hey Guys.

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Hey, It's the author of this fanfiction here and I have this thing to rant about and you don't have to read this just skip over it if you may. There's an update waiting for you in a hot minute.
But I have a rant.

So, my brother is 15 he'll be 16 in July. Well, his ex, who I am amazingly great friends with has been coming over nearly every weekend because she's like an older sister to me. Well, everytime she comes over my brother cleans the house and my room and moves his television in my room so we won't be disturbed. Sounds nice, huh? It is but as soon as his ex leaves it's like a living hell. Like, my brothers Alastair and I'm Dean Winchester. He tortures me. It fucks my mind over and I spend the rest of the night thinking over his words of hatred and wondering if anyone actually cared for me. Which I know people do but it's one of those times were you doubt everything.

So, I'm just going to leave and hop in the shower. I'll update soon after. Bye guys.


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