Chapter 10

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It was about 8:30 and I was watching Harry Potter and thw Prisoner of Askaban while Maddy was doing her Chem essay. "Damn it. Why does Professor Marshall give so much homework?"Maddy had asked and I shrugged shoving my face with more popcorn. She groaned and laid her head on the desk and then she sat up straight and turned to me grinning like a woman who stays in an asylum.

"So, How was Nialls and your date? Did ya'll kiss?"She asked with her very faint southern accent showing. I just rolled my eyes and laughed a little. "It wasnt a date and no we didnt."I said my phone ringing right after. I looked at the caller ID and it said 'Baby Brother'.

I pressed answer and put the phone up to my ear "Hey Joesph. What's up?"I asked laying back on my bed. "Hey Tori, are you going back home for Christmas or no? Mom, really misses you..."He said and I immediately felt a lump in my throat. I had no money. I couldn't go back to Ohio. "I can't JoJo.."I sighed using the nickname I gave him when he was 4. "Why not?"He asked with a sound of worry in his voice.

He never really did like the fact i'm not in America.

"I don't have the money.."I admitted quietly and I heard him sigh. "What happened to that 2,000 I gave you 2 months ago?"He asked trying to stay calm but I could tell he was about to lose it.

"Joesph, I need to go grocery shopping too! The food here is expensive! "I said quite loudly and I heard him huff in anger. "Victoria I gave you that for emergencies damn it!"He said and I stood up immediately, starting to put on my shoes. I didnt want Maddy asking why I was fighting with him.

"Oh so me starving isnt an emergency is it?" I asked grabbinh my jacket and walking towards the door. "I never said that!"He shouted and I could almost exactly see the vein in his head pulsing.

I opened the door and stormed out slamming it. "Joesph listen, I dont have the money! What do you think? I dont want to see my own fucking mother?!"I yelled putting on my jacket and walking out of the dorms and out into the snow.

"It sure does sound like it!"He yelled back and I wanted to scream and strangle him.

"Well, you're wrong! I miss her more than you would ever know. Damn it Joesph youre turning thw tablez on me! I cant get a job because I have no time. I have essays almost every fucking day! I dont know what you want me to fucking do anymore! I cant just keep taking yours and moms money! "I yelled tears coming to my eyes daring to fall.

A group of people maybe five or six of them walked past me and up the stairs and they looked at me kind of concerned but I just hid my face.

"Tori...I'm sorry for yelling..I didnt know...Do you want me to figure out a way to get ya down here?"He asked and I knew he wouls just pay for my ticket or something...

"N-No...I'll figure it out okay? I'll be down there." I  said assuring him.

"Okay.Please dont cry.."He said and I wiped my eyes nodding remembering he couldnt see me."Im not"I said sniffling and he chuckled

"You've always said that when you were crying...I love you Tori.."He said and I smiled "Love you too JoJo.."I said smiling still.

"I have to go..Bye love you till forever okay?"He said saying the thing we would say when our eldest brother would beat us.

"Okay.Bye. Love you till infinity." I said and I could almost see him as a kid laying next to me with that little smile.

The line then went dead...


So? Sorry I haven't updated my cousin is sort of fucking my life up with a baseball bat right now.

BUT I would love to know if you guys are liking the book so far so please please please comment.

ALSO will be updating every Saturday so yay!

And please go check out my Harry Styles story Secrets Are For Losers.

Well, I have to go my lovelies!!!


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