Chapter 17

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OKay, before I start. this is going to be an extremely short chapter because my friend is over ans yea. so lets us begin!





▲Tori ▼

-10:00 a.m -

I woke up to the soumd of something fall and making a huge noise. I sat up straight, immediately regretting it. "Ah shit.."I said to myself. I put my hand over my eyes and felt the usual hangover panging in my head. I moved my eyes and noticed I was in a hotel room with all the curtains closed. I look over at the other bed and saw the most surprising and not very shocking thing.

Harry shirtless and Maddi only in her bra.

I rolled my eyes and smirked a little. 'heh. I knew it would happen soon enough.' I thought while sitting up slowly. So, heres my conclusion about why im in a hotel room... Maddi and I were way to drunk to drive, not to mention the boys, so im guessing Paul or the most sober of all of us drove us here.

I got out of the bed and noticed I didnt have pants on. Only my underwear.. I mean thats what I usually wear but.. y'know..

I walked around the corner and saw this two doors. They were both closed but one had this yhis pad lock thing on it. Like wear you slide the door card in it. So im guessing thats the main door to the hallway. The other one was closed but in heard water running so thats obviously the bathroom.I got curious and knocked on the door.

No one answered.

I turned the handle and the door opened a bit. I peaked inside and saw Niall leaning over the sink with a towel around his waist. He was shaving his 5'o'clock. I didnt think he noticed me. I peaked in a bit more and the door creaked loudly. 'shit.' I thought saw Nialls eyes shift over to me. He smiled and waved at me in the mirror. "Good Morning gorgeous!" He exclaimed.  How was he not hungover? Must be the irish thing.

"Uh...hey?" I said sounding confused myself. He smiled and wiped his face off with a towel. The panging in my head got worse. I cringed a little at it.  "Do you need an asprin, love?" He held up a bottle that was on the counter. I smiled a him a little and nod. Why am I not talking? Because If I do the panging will get even worse than it already is.

He took out two of the asprin and held them out. I looked at his and then down at my pantsless legs. I looked back at him "I dont have pants on" I said in barely a whisper but he still heard me. He chuckled and looked at his towel then back at me. "Well, I already knew that...and so am I, so its okay" He said smiling widely and my eyes widened. The only thing I got out of that was that he knew I was pantsless. How did he know that? Did he watch me sleep? Oh god. Why do I have butterflies in my stomach? I mean, yea, I like him and all but...Wait... hold on.. Last night something happened. I know something happened last night.

I just need to remember







thats it for this chapter. it was short sorry.


I have to go. . bye!

-Chloe (:

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