Chapter 52

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"Excuse me?" I asked, choking on my tea that Louis had made me.

"Did you listen to Nickleback? You know, Gon' do the frick frack to Nickleback? "Maddy asked again and I stared at her and nodded slowly

"Oh hell yeah. It was blasting all throughout the house!"I exclaimed sarcastically, then sipping my tea.

I enjoy tea.

"Hey, at least you over came your fear,"She crossed her legs and leaned toward me "Now, down to business."

"What business?" I asked, copying her movements.

"How was it? Was it magical?"She asks with a huge grin on her face.

Again, I stared at her and then spoke

"Oh it was majestic ! Unicorns, fairies and rainbows were floating above us! Watching down at our amazing encounter."I could almost see the sarcasm oozing from my mouth.

I guess sex makes me more sarcastic than usual.

Maddy rolled her eyes and threw a pillow towards me. She missed my head by like 3 ft.

"Bitch." I said

"Jerk" She said

We laughed at our weird little Supernatural reference.

"We should go out. Like ditch the boys and just be lesbians." She said causing my laughing to increase causing her to laugh at my laugh.

Soon enough we were bent over ontop of eachother, laughing our asses off. As usual. Like always. Forever.




"Are there anymore brownies?" Niall asks, shoving his face with a cookie.

"You ate them all, lardass."Louis laughs, making Niall frown and fake cry.

I hug him, laughing. "If it makes you feel any better, you're my lardass so."I say, kisses him on the cheek.

Right as he was about to say something, my phone rings. MeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeow-

I blush and answer my phone quickly

"Hello?"I ask

"Get up and walk outside." A deep British accent rings into the phone.

"Excuse me?"I ask, confused.

"Get up. Go outside. Now. I have rifles pointed at your little precious friends."The voice says

I swallow hard and stand up, earning a few confused looks from everyone

"What's the matter?"Maddy asks, I just shake my head and walk to the patio door.

Once I'm outside, I put the phone up to my ear.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down and not panicky. To late.

"Nevermind my name." He sighs "listen to me, you're going to pack your bags, buy a plane ticket to a different country and never return. No questions asked." He says.

I have no words. I feel like crying. What's going on. My chest feels heavy.

"W-Who are you..?"I ask, tears in my eyes "what the hell do you want from me?!"

"You have 24 hours...or else you're beloveds will fall. One. By. One." He says..

Then the line went dead.



Shits gonna go down.
The end is near.
I'm already working on The Sequel.
I can't believe I've made it this far ♥
All with my anxiety and everything.. you guys are amazing

Stay fab;)


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